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something growing in tank?


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I have a "fungus?" Growing on everything in my tank, I have some bristlenose in the tank but they wont have anything to do with it, it started on the plants but now has moved onto everything, I’m putting in a order to AOA tonight, so a product from them would be great..

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Just go and buy some ottocinclus or true flying fox. They will eat it. You can use chemicals such as seachem flourish but I have heard of a few horror stories involving this product when double dosed as per instructions. By the way it is known as black beard algae and will eventually kill the plants as it blocks light.

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Hmmm...yep..its BBA (Black brush algae)...it tends to grow on slow growing plants (anubias, wood, etc)\

Unfortunatley nothing will really eat it....flying foxes MAY but only if they have nothing else to eat....

You can use Seachem excel (double dose will kill it) or you can squirt hydrogen peroxide directly onto it in the tank....

Do a Google search for controlling BBA

Good luck


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Another thing to try is cherry shrimp but depending on your fish this may not be viable as they are small and might just make an expensive snack for them. Also not sure how many you would need to show any marked change in the growth.

I had the same problem in my 65L tank and ended up stripping it, not something you want to really do though due to the expense but in my case I was also changing the fish I was keeping so worked out well timing wise.

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Thanks to all for your help,

I'll try a few things and see how I go,

I have done a bit of reading on the black brush algae (now I know what it is), it seams a lot of people have an idea on how to reduce it so ill give a few of them a go before I try a chemical etc....

I'll move the driftwood and plants etc in one tank and fish in another, Give the old tank a good going over and with a little luck ill get it under control.... but if all fails ill give the Azoo a go.....

plants - just anubias

Fish - Geophagus sp Rio Branco

- bristlenose


malrift - How does the Azoo black brush algae killer go with fish and plants in tank????

(i use to work at Cooroy r.s.l a few years back, how are things up that way? )

(I’m talking myself into just giving the Azoo go)



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