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breeding set up


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Just need some ideas for 2 breeding set ups

set up 1

70cm x 50cm x 45cm

thinking demasoni a colony of those open to anything else which would be interesting???

set up 2

it will be either 4ft x 2ft x 2ft or 5ft x 2ft x 2ft

thinking frontosa + something else heard calvus do well with them or anything else which would be different???

For both setups looking at africans so free for opinions



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Both your tanks are really too small for your chosen fish. Well at least your first tank is far too small for any successful colony of demansoni. They often need to be kept in large numbers and then the size of the colony adjusts itself (Via males trying to kill each other - these are removed). I'd recommend at least a 3ft for a colony of demansoni with plenty of rocks.

Frontosa really do best in larger colonies aswell, therefore being a bigger fish need at least a 5ft tank. So the 5x2x2 would be great but the 4x2x2 is too small. Calvus can do ok with frontosas but I'd recommend growing them up together as I have seen a colony of frontosa eat a colony of 10 adult gold compresscips.

My choices would be a colony of shell dwellers with a small school of leptosoma malasa in Tank 1 and then a colony of calvus, colony of gobies and perhaps some cuckoo catfish.

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I agree that you are likely to strike problems with demasoni in a small tank, but for some people it works (generally not the norm)

I think the 5x2x2 would be fine for the frontosa. I currently have a colony of 1m and 4 f. I used to have 8 in the 5x2x2, but they would hold with that many fish. I took the advice of another breed to reduce the size of the colony and now I have a great, peaceful and productive colony. I keep my fronts with other species like Juli's, hecqui, gold comps and leleupi. You just need to have rocks or secure places for these guys to get away. I also wouldn't add these fish to an adult colony of frontosa. The exception to this was recently I moved my adult colony to a 6x20, so I added the smaller fish a day before moving the fronts. This way they could check out the tank, become a little familiar with it and find their territory. There is always a risk that one day the fronts will feel a little peckish for some "live food", but I haven't lost a fish to a Front (other than fry) in 5 years.


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i have heard of and seen many times frontosa being in tanks which most people would consider too small. i currently house 1 male and 4 female kigoma frontosas in a 100gallon tank which is the equivalent of a 4x2x2 and i wouldnt say thats too small either as i was looking to buy more. i have heard of frontosa barundis being bred in a standard 6ft tank which would be smaller than a 4x2x2 but thats probly not the best idea. it also depends alot on your filteration and the amount of water you change and the frequency of your water changes. i have over-filtration. the amount you feed will also determine the bio-load on your filter..... so it all has to be taken into consideration because they do grow into a large fish and eat lots but they are playful and have character

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New idea

set up 1

70cm x 50cm x 45cm

still not certain what im going to put in here i might look at some peacocks

such as red rubin or Aulonocara baenschi

set up 2

it will be a definite 5ft x 2ft x 2ft

Otopharynx lithobates sulfur crest or domwe island

placidochromis "Phenochilus Tanzania" star sapphire

labidochromis caeruleus "electric yellow"

For both setups looking at africans so free for opinions

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New idea

set up 1

70cm x 50cm x 45cm

still not certain what im going to put in here i might look at some peacocks

such as red rubin or Aulonocara baenschi

set up 2

it will be a definite 5ft x 2ft x 2ft

Otopharynx lithobates sulfur crest or domwe island

placidochromis "Phenochilus Tanzania" star sapphire

labidochromis caeruleus "electric yellow"

For both setups looking at africans so free for opinions

Does anyone have any ideas or comments about these two set ups

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