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bristlenoses and Neolamprologus multifasciatus


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hi just would like to know if bristlenoses will eat the eggs or young fry of the multies as the bristlenose is always in and out of the shells that the multies are calling home.

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A friend has a colony of 10 multies (5 adults and 5 adolescents) in a 3ft (20inch high) with 6 Boseman rainbows. The algae was getting to be an issue so he dropped in 4 4-5cm bristlies. The multis defend their territory pretty aggressively and now there is a hallo of algae around the multi's shells!!

Depending on the size of the tank, the number of multi's and shells and number of bristlies, there shouldn't be too much of an issue with egg stealing I would think.


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thanks for the reply bruce , the tank is a 50cm cube with about 25 shells and 2 x 4cm bristlenoses.ill se how they go if i dont see any new multie fry in the tank in the next month or so ill take bristlkenoses out.

cheers omar

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Hi there,

Although not a bristlenose, I had a small pleco (around 10cm) in a standard 4 foot with my N. Similis (similar to multies). I got a little concerned when I started to see the pleco hovering over the shells' entrances once the lights went out, so I donated him to a friends 8 tank. Six weeks after getting rid of him, I found fry in the tank. I'd personally keep the multies on their own.


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