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Sump expansion


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Hello friends

I have a 4ft sump which i found out yesterday that is way undersized if the pump stops.

i have a glass sheet in the tank reducing the sump down to about 3ft.

my question is can i remove that glass with out the pressure blowing the tank out?

here is a pic, i am wanting to take out the glass on the right.

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Hiya Buddy

Easy as, remove it cut it in half and use it as a baffle then u can add media and or more sponge etc where your pump is now and use the smaller section you have created for your pump. This is what i would do iffen i was you, but im not you but i would still do it if i was you, do you not what i mean!!!! hahahahahahahaa god i ramble craPe sometimes..

But do it

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That was the first plan, but I would have to shut the sump down, drain it and let the silicone dry wich would kill all the bacteria

So at the moment I would like to cut it out. But I am worried that there wouldn't be enough strenght to hold the walls together

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That was the first plan, but I would have to shut the sump down, drain it and let the silicone dry wich would kill all the bacteria

So at the moment I would like to cut it out. But I am worried that there wouldn't be enough strenght to hold the walls together


i think you will be ok to do it if its a 3ft as you still have the divider in place for your media chamber ..

but if your worried then when you remove the divider that you want you can use it to brace the top of the tank..that way you dont have to shut down the sump :8

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i dont think it will be a problem with silicon drying. i've heard silicon can actually dry underwater (could someone in the know confirm?) not sure if it is toxic to fish though.

i personally feel any brace is a good brace :)

how wide is the tank?

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silicone is apparently toxic to fish untill cured as it relseases acidic gases. this is why they tell you to "wait untill fully cured, then rinse thoroughly before adding fish" on the tube. i have no idea why that glass is there. Who made/designed the sump? is it a actual 4ft tank thats been converted? as i dont see any top or euro style braces it may be not a good idea to take it out as yet.

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Thanks Yippe

I have been told it was a plant tank in a shop,

there was another glass divider in there next to the pump on the right hand side i removed, you still can see the silicone there.

I didn't think it would be OK to remove another sheet.

there was originally 4 sheets of glass in there that were lower than the tank allowing water to spill over and keeping the plants separated.

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would it be ok while the silicone drys,

its in use at the moment so it would have to be above the water line,

i suppose that a bit of masking tape would hold it all in place.

just remove half of the existing panel, put extra filter material in that chamber and put the pump in the next chamber. no silicone involved, filter still operational, no mess job done.

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but still would be a mess behind the tube is a PVC pipe that's glued in,

can i still cut it half way and remove the bottom piece?

I suppose there would be no leverage to get it out or to crack the glass.

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This is not a bad situation to be in. I would add another piece or two in the dry section (in whatever config you like, i.e half the height or whatever), and then remove the one that is there. All you would have to do is drain the sump and cut out the piece and refill from the tanks above. If you are worried about your own silicone work,you could test fill the chambers before you do all that. Just use aquarium safe structural silicone like V10.



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