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Whats the best food for them?


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:) Hey ppls...

Just quick question... Iam wondering what would be the best food for my americans... i have been feeding the Hikari gold large pellets and bloodworms now and again... the colour arnt bad but growth rate isnt great.

i have looked it up and found info but just looking for a steer in the right direction and who better to ask than the experts themselves?? :8

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ahhhh ok even tho the ph is at 6.9 and nitrates good......?

yeah i got the tank today for the sump and still have a spare pump. will get the bio balls and hook up that bad boy.

also got another 2000l/ph filter in there for next couple of days.

this tank is in my bedroom!! sounds like an outboard running! haha

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other than Jag , Dempsey and Oscar what else do you have in tank ?

increase the protein for these guys by including shrimp and make a

marinara mix

DO LOTS of water changes

personally I would like the water on the alkaline side of neutral with


what mclouglin2 says water and food


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the tank also houses,

1xYellow eel tail and1x Feather fin cat fish

1x XXL silver doller( haha dnt ask)

1x Convict

1x XL Sailfin Pleco

is it safe to feed tropicals salt water food?? (marinara)

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Link2Hell - Why alkaline? I've got Rivulatus, Sajica, Severum, Nicaragua, Keyholes, Salvini & a few other spieces all in at PH 6.8 & thay grow fantastic with magnificent colors. Is there an advantage with americans and higher PH that I'm missing out on? I would be interested to hear your theories on this.

I use HBH flake frenzy & Supersoft as a mainstay. I supplement with HBH 8veg flake & nutrafin Earthworm or mysis shrimp flakes. A twice weekly feed of live shrimp & feeder fish does the colors the world of good. Spectrum has a good range of foods that I use on some of my other tanks as well. Thier growth formula is quite good & I'm yet to see any fish reject it unless sick.

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Link2Hell - Why alkaline? I've got Rivulatus, Sajica, Severum, Nicaragua, Keyholes, Salvini & a few other spieces all in at PH 6.8 & thay grow fantastic with magnificent colors. Is there an advantage with americans and higher PH that I'm missing out on? I would be interested to hear your theories on this.

I use HBH flake frenzy & Supersoft as a mainstay. I supplement with HBH 8veg flake & nutrafin Earthworm or mysis shrimp flakes. A twice weekly feed of live shrimp & feeder fish does the colors the world of good. Spectrum has a good range of foods that I use on some of my other tanks as well. Thier growth formula is quite good & I'm yet to see any fish reject it unless sick.

GREAT INFO MATE... great to hear from other american lovers.

How big is your tank to house all those like are they all aggressive (apart from keyhole of cause)..?? thats a great inventory list of fish, just what i want!! GRRRrrr :thumbup:

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just my preference as Sydney tap is about 7.2 pH and

water is more carbonate stable on the upper side than

when it drops to the acid side of neutral

Also less chemicals need to be use with water changes

These species will accept wide ranging water parameters

being aquarium bred lines they are more adaptable

Depending on species the riverine sth Americans prefering

lower pH values and this is then ranged by if they are

blackwater species such as most Appistos that like even lower

pH levels

With the central Americans liking the upper side as they

come from volcanic lakes and riverine biotopes that

are higher pH but not neccessarily high carbonate hardness

like the African rift lakes

For the Oscar I totally agree that 6.8 is a prefered reading

as they will suffer chronic HIH from bad water conditions

that can be related to alkaline pH and filtration quality

It all comes down to if the fish are happy then it's all good

and 0.2 points of neutral either way is a happy medium


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Thanks for the reply Chris. Most tap water over our way isn't too flash for americans. My tap water is PH 8.2, GH 12 & KH 5. Yes most americans are very adaptable, even to those conditions. The aquariums just use dechlorinated tap water for everything but thier delicates & I used to have my Rivulatus in the same tank as my Tanganyikas & he was fine with it. Good colors & all.

Eckies - Those fish aren't all in the same tank. The Sev (solo) shares a 4x1.5x1.5ft with the Sajicas (pair), Pictus & Bristlenose.. The Rivulatus (solo), Oscars(pair) & Nicaragua (solo), share a 6x2x2ft with a Featherfin & Goldspot Plec. The Keyholes (pair), are in a 3ft general community. I also have tanks containing Lifalili, Festivum, Blue Acara & Firemouths. There are also tanks set up for africans, corys & khuli loaches, golfish & general communities. I have twelve tanks, (not including breeding & quarantine) ranging from 3x1.5x1.5ft to 6x2x2ft. I have 3 of the 6x2x2 set up as main displays & 2 - 4x2x2ft set up as display planted communities. That's inside. The garage is another story & a work in progress. Lots of time, patience & more $$$ than I could/can really afford. I think I've got a bug!!

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