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new fish room made of cool room panels


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I have recently finished building my new fish room out of cool room panels. I still need to silicone all wall and roof joints but i am having a real problem with condensation. the room holds the heat so well that all the moisture in the air collects on the roof and drops to the floor in a matter of a week after drying the roof and removing all moisture etc.

Does anyone have a solution to this problem if they have it.

I will be posting a topic to show the build etc once all the internals are finished.

Cheers Couchy :thumb

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While I have never had that problem I can see how irritating it would be. Hydroponic stores sell dehumidifiers to correct the problem they get with condensation. While I am not sure you want to spend the money on something like that, it may point you in the right direction.

The other solution is to create a hole for an exhaust fan that allows the removal of of moisture rich air.

A third option may be to create a box with a fan on top that pushes air into the box. The moisture would be removed by being blown into sponge, cloth, or some form of air filter that will allow the air to cool inside the box and let the moisture convert to water. The air stays warm in the fish room but the water is extracted and emptied later, or plumbed to outside. At least this way you don't lose any valuable heat.

I am just thinking off the top of my head. I hope it helps.

Good luck


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Maybe even if you put in a vent or exhaust fan, and left it open/on for just a few hours a day? Do you think that this would allow enough time to get the moisture in the air out without dropping the tank temps?

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has anyone ever used an air conditioner to maintain temp in their fish room? does an A?C combat this issue?


Laurie has one and if I had the room I would get one installed there is no humidity at all they are great.



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has anyone ever used an air conditioner to maintain temp in their fish room? does an A?C combat this issue?


Laurie has one and if I had the room I would get one installed there is no humidity at all they are great.



Hi Grant

I will third that the Air-con works a treat and condensation isnt a problem


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Isn't it true though that with some types or aircon (i think its inducted) that if they're not maintained they can cause legionaires?

Just my two cents, not against or in favour of the idea, just posting what I think is relevant.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Isn't it true though that with some types or aircon (i think its inducted) that if they're not maintained they can cause legionaires?

Just my two cents, not against or in favour of the idea, just posting what I think is relevant.

If you work in an office block that has a cooling tower you are more at risk. Anything container that has contains warm bodies of water probably carry the bateria that can lead legionaires. What is the key factor is the levels of bateria. having worked in an office for over 20 years I ahve worked in "sick" buildings before, but always survived. Reverse cycle aircond is a dry not wet form of aircon and as such is different. To put your mind at ease here are the fact about


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