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DIY fry saver


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HI all

Like many of us Ive been using those Ice Cream container fry savers for years now...but I always thought there was a better way....Ive been eyeing off those fancy ones you see for sale but realy couldnt justify the price given my 50 cent ice cream container ones do really well.

I bought a small plastic container from a $2 shop months ago (actually it was $4). Well today I decided to do somthing about it.

All the gear I thought I might need. The box, a dremel, some suction cups (weve ALL got hundreds of those just sitting around), some bits of off cut filter sponge, and a sponge filter that I just havent been able to get replacement sponges for, scissors and a knife

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I wanted to attach the sponge filter gear to the box, draw water into the box and then out through the sponge filter (does that make sense?)

The first step was to attach the rod from the sponge filter to the box. this normally has the cylindrical sponge sitting over it.

I dremeled a nice hole

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and it fit in snuggly

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I then cut a slice into a piece of foam with a knife

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and pushed the uplift rod into the foam

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Next step was to cut a window into the end of the box at the opposite end to the rod.

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Again the dremel was great for this.

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I didnt really tidy up the edges much as I figured that the rough bits would help hold the sponge in place. I cut the sponge around 10 mm longer and higher than the hole. This made for a nice tight secure seal

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Alright, almost finished

The next step was to devise a way of attaching the fry saver to the wall of the tank

I have heaps of these suction cups (from old heaters). This is a broken one.

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I dremeled off the 'wings' like so:

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and then dremeled a sqaure notch into the edge of the box like this:

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The suction cups wedge into the notch pretty well and then you can stick the box to the tanks internal wall.

OK...heres some pics of the put together fry saver

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and a test run in the tank. The box actually floats making the suction cups a bit unneccessary. It also comes with a secure lid which is great for stopping those pesky jumpers

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Im going to make a few of these of various sizes...

Total cost:

Around $4 for the box and the rest was made up of bits I had in the fishroom...Im not sure how much the original sponge filter cost me, Ive had them for years

Mike :)

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Well done. We all have bits and pieces lying around, and this is a very good example of what we can do with it all.

Nice job and a great looking fry saver too, not to mention an easy to follow guide for anyone wishing to have a go themselves.


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Fantastic! Great job on a simple yet effective DIY fry saver. The only thing I had abit of trouble understanding was the part with the airtube connected to the plastic on the outside and what purpose it has (as well as how I can replicate it)

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Hi fry 2 buy

The airtube on the outisde is just from a sponge filter....the air runs down the small clear tube. This tube joins into the larger black tube near the bottom, the air then runs up and out the top of the bigger black tube......this draws water with it and draws it from the U shaped tube that has an opening INSIDE the box (through the sponge)....Does this make any sense...sometimes I think English isnt my first language :)


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great job,, I'll also have a go at that one.. I'll have to use UGF uplift though as I have 3 of them laying around doing nothing. Thanks for the DIY. Should be pasted in the DIY section aswell..

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Great DIY.

There are lots of variations on the fry saver theme out there, I think the lid is a big plus on this one, as is there being no need for pesky siliconing of fly screen.

How hard is the plastic on those tubs to cut with the dremel? I'm probably using the crappest around, but I find the attachments wear out pretty fast.

Gotta love these kinda tubs, the bigger ~20l ones are only $9 from Go-lo, and I have several pairs of killies in some.

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