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Tank Divider -- Poop problem.


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Hi Guys,

I have a tank which I separate using light diffuser, I've used silicon to attach fly wire to either side of the light diffuser with a little bit extra to form a 'flap' down the bottom to go along the bottom of the tank about 20mm.

I keep on running into issues with waste getting stuck under the flaps, and inside the cubes themselves and its a real pain to clean out, Anyone have much experience using this method? or dividing tanks in other ways?

Perhaps I could only fly wire one side, leaving the fish on the opposite side to take care of the waste?



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I am in sydney and have a 4 foot breeding tank. I am getting it divided tommorrow by a guy with glass and silicon. I will have 3 compartments running HOB filter in the tank with the breeding fish and the fry will be in the other two with an airstone. Heater will be in with the breeders and the heat will transfere.

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Hi Dan,

I have a similar setup to you and I always have issues with the build up of detritus in the middle of the 'cubes'. The more you try to vacuum out the detritus during water changes, the dirtier the water seems to get. In future I think I will just go with some perspex dividers with a few holes drilled to allow some flow of water.

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