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Few pics of my new american tank also a few other pets


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Here is a my new American tank, as you can see has heaps of fish, after taking these pics i have caught out a few of the fish to easy the load on the filter

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i know the fronny shouldn't be in the tank but room is a perium and i had him in a smaller tank which he hated and didn't eat since he has come into this tank he has put on size and really come out of his shell, take on the jag a bit, also likes the odd smaller fish

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this is a new fish petina splendia only small but has all reay took my eye and keen for a larger version

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here is another project we are working on baby sun conures (hope the spelling is good) little bit of stress but worth the reward

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here are the other troubles in my life 2 maltese x shih tzu and 1 Australian Bulldog

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hope i have got all the photobucket right pls let me know if the is any dramas

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