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What is a bridles morph?


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I am working on a presentation and need some information that the all knowing Google cannot provide me...

What is a bridles morph? In the context of...

Only the Chalinochromis brichardi bridles morph may be imported into Australia...

I can't find a deffinition anywhere and it is driving me nuts!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance :thumb


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hi Col,

The "bridle morph" refers to the black marking running horizontally from the gill to the tip of the mouth and (at right angles to this) across the top of the head providing a bridle (as in horsey bridle) appearance.

Apparently that's where the name Chalinochromis name itself derives so until your post I didn't realise there were any without this marking.

btw: I have sp. ndobhoi if you're looking for local specimens

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hi Col,

The "bridle morph" refers to the black marking running horizontally from the gill to the tip of the mouth and (at right angles to this) across the top of the head providing a bridle (as in horsey bridle) appearance.

Apparently that's where the name Chalinochromis name itself derives so until your post I didn't realise there were any without this marking.

btw: I have sp. ndobhoi if you're looking for local specimens

Cheers for that mate! I looked on fishbase.org and found an explanation on colouration...

I'm buying a house at the moment and have gone down to one tank - but when I move into the new house, and get back to keeping the wet pets, I'll give you a yell... :)

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hi Col,

The "bridle morph" refers to the black marking running horizontally from the gill to the tip of the mouth and (at right angles to this) across the top of the head providing a bridle (as in horsey bridle) appearance.

Apparently that's where the name Chalinochromis name itself derives so until your post I didn't realise there were any without this marking.

btw: I have sp. ndobhoi if you're looking for local specimens

Well....I'm impressed :thumb

Top answer ;)

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