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How Do I Know if Eggs are Good?


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Hi All, I am pleased I have a pair, and not particularly expecting a lot from their first spawning, but they laid the eggs on saturday and I am worried that my two fish are going to exhaust themselves by tending eggs that are bad???? I would have thought they would have hatched by now??? Also, just wanted to check with you guys, the Aquarium told me to turn the lights off until the eggs hatch, is this correct?? (I was not told this originally when I rang them on the Sunday to tell them I had eggs :( )

At what stage do I pull the pin so to speak? I am more worried about my fish than the eggs as they will not leave them.

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Hi All, I am pleased I have a pair, and not particularly expecting a lot from their first spawning, but they laid the eggs on saturday and I am worried that my two fish are going to exhaust themselves by tending eggs that are bad???? I would have thought they would have hatched by now??? Also, just wanted to check with you guys, the Aquarium told me to turn the lights off until the eggs hatch, is this correct?? (I was not told this originally when I rang them on the Sunday to tell them I had eggs :( )

At what stage do I pull the pin so to speak? I am more worried about my fish than the eggs as they will not leave them.

from what i have been told and tend to look for is if the eggs have a ting of colour there good (cream)

if they are furry they have gone off if there is no colour they have not yet ready ?

hope this helps


oh ps i dont think you shouldn't stress too much its all a learning expirence for your fish they will be fine.

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Thanks guys, yeah sorry bout that I have blue acaras, and OMG I looked this morning, here I am concentrating on the eggs lol (on the side of a rock), and in the bottom of the sand there are like little wriggly things jumping around!!!! They are so tiny I hadn't seen them, will mum and dad chew their own food and spit it at them??? They are currently fed sinking New Life Spectrum pellets and bloodworm, or do I need to get some rotfier like someone suggested straight away??? Or some flake is better? The tank is 280L and has 3 baby (1") bristlenose in it too. Thanks for all your help, I haven't been through this ever and would hate them to fail due to my inadequacies

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Wow you sound realy excited and enthusiastic which is good to see.

However, you needn't worry too much especially if this is the first batch.

You'll find the parents will do most of what's needed initially as blue acaras are generally good parents.

The only thing I would recomend is to maintain the water quality and maybe chuck in a bit of crushed flakes every now and then, mainly in the first couple of days.

If the fry dont survive, don't stress too much as they will breed many more times for you provided you maintain the tank parameters as they are.

Your pair looks quite small/young so they should breed for you for years to come. As their age and size increases, so should the batch sizes.

Healthy pairs can breed every 4-5 weeks.

Try a few things and see what works for you and learn from your experiences with them :)

Best of luck,


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Thanks guys, yeah sorry bout that I have blue acaras, and OMG I looked this morning, here I am concentrating on the eggs lol (on the side of a rock), and in the bottom of the sand there are like little wriggly things jumping around!!!! They are so tiny I hadn't seen them, WILL MUM AND DAD CHEW THEIR FOOD AND SPIT IT AT THEM??? They are currently fed sinking New Life Spectrum pellets and bloodworm, or do I need to get some rotfier like someone suggested straight away??? Or some flake is better? The tank is 280L and has 3 baby (1") bristlenose in it too. Thanks for all your help, I haven't been through this ever and would hate them to fail due to my inadequacies


GL either way.

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Thanks guys, yeah sorry bout that I have blue acaras, and OMG I looked this morning, here I am concentrating on the eggs lol (on the side of a rock), and in the bottom of the sand there are like little wriggly things jumping around!!!! They are so tiny I hadn't seen them, will mum and dad chew their own food and spit it at them??? They are currently fed sinking New Life Spectrum pellets and bloodworm, or do I need to get some rotfier like someone suggested straight away??? Or some flake is better? The tank is 280L and has 3 baby (1") bristlenose in it too. Thanks for all your help, I haven't been through this ever and would hate them to fail due to my inadequacies

Wait til the fry are free swimming (Swimming around by themselves without looking like they are struggling) before adding any food. Your parents may/will probably fail at this attempt but keep it up and the parents should lay again within two weeks or so. Once the fry have grown to a certain point which i can't really tell you is as it depends on how much they are fed and water conditions they will need to be seperated from the parents as they are at risk of the parents eating them. I would move them once they can be put into a fry saver or another tank for further growing without risk of them getting through the mesh of the net.

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Well well well Pete what new hobby are we talking about???? I'll have to catch up with you later on that one lol, certainly sounds interesting!!

...... and mcloughlin2 - looks like I need a new tank hey?? my god my hubby's gunna kill me, ummmmm Pete?? any room at your place haha, but seriously I wouldn't have any idea how to get them interstate but we'll have to see how many make it, thanks for all the help, god knows I need it


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dont take the fry off them. if they were going to eat them they wouldve done so already. dragonlady if you bought them as an adult pair, this probably isnt the first time theyve bred, its probably just the first time theyve bred for you. if you take the fry off the parents now itll upset the parents and theyll fight. plus youll ruin theyre breeding cycle becasue the male will just start trying to breed with the female again and the female wont have developed a new batch of eggs by that stage so there will be more aggression and problems. trust me, just leave them and let them do their thing. when theyre ready to breed again youll know because theyll start showing more interest in each other then they will their fry. theyll also start displaying to each other like they wouldve have been before they laid their eggs. when you see that, then think about moving on the fry, at best itll be at least a month from now. the thing that i love most about americans is thier brood care, if you rob them of their fry, youll only rob yourself of watching the best thing about them.


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Thanks Pete, I might call over during the week, the bristlenose have got a reprieve for now lol but I'll review when fry are free swimming

Thanks Yellow, yeah, this is their first spawning as they aren't even adults themselves yet lol, I bought as 2" 3 or 4 weeks ago, guess I must have done something right. I would never rob them of their babies, I am enjoying watching them immensely, I absolutely love them, and yes .... I agree, I did much research on the type of fish I wanted, and I decided on blue acaras because of their intelligence (yeah I know we are talkin about fish but I'm serious lol) their colouring and their amazing maternal instincts so I am thrilled to bits

Thanks to everyone for all their help, it is very much appreciated :)

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