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nitrite testing- cycling


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Hi, i ran out of amonia test kit and just want to know if when cycling a tank can i do it with nitrite test as its the only one i have left. If nitrites are high and then a day or two they drop back to zero does this mean the tank has finished its cycle. and will a couple of handfulles of gravel from an established tank speed it up?


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a handful of gravel wil help but make sure you are adding good bacteria to your tank such as cycle.im not sure on this but if nitrites are zero i would think that its cycled,cause i just cycled a tank and i had a nitrite only test like you and it read zero so i took some water to lfs and tested for everything and all readings were perfect.

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Nitrites aren't at the end of the nitrogen cycle. Just because they are at 0 doesn't mean that tank is cycled.

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I don't want too put things down here, but 'Why' only a nitrite tester? These days complete test kits aren't that expensive & I gotta tell you, are well worth there weight. I just purchased an API Freshwater Master test kit from Age of Aquariums. Testing water should not be an 'only cycling' thing! :dntknw:

If the ammonia levels aren't read, & nitrite levels aren't present, how does one know, that their tank is cycled? An lfs will test your water, although if they haven't tested it during the course of the cycle, it cannot be a positive test. Thats my 2cents worth. :hug:


Ahmed ;)

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