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cyprichromis leptosoma .....


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hi guys , i was just wandering if anyone on here has had much to do with these fish ??? im thinking of getting some but dont realy know to much about them .. are they best kept in colony or pairs , trios ..etc; .... any information and availability on different variants would be apreciated .. i realy like the purple looking ones but when i google them the colours in all variants are different .... how would these guys go with alto comps ????



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Hi Peter,

Welcome to the forum. :)

Try looking up the fish on cichlid forum (profiles sec) they have great info.

They do well with comps.

There a few breeders on this forum (however you will need access to the classified sec - read the rules on how to apply)



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I have kept both,calvus and comps with cyprichromis species,thats all i've ever kept them with.

They're a great combination,they don't bother each other at all.

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hey ziad , thanx for that ... ive already applied and right to go so ill have a look .... do u hav them with ur calvus ?



No I keep my comps with all sorts of ramdon cichlids in a display tank.

I have seen them together and they make good tank mates and they look good.

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