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Moving fish long distances


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Ok well im now living in Canberra and as soon as i get a more permanent place organised ill fly back up to Brisbane and drive down with my aquarium....just debating at the moment on whether i should attempt to bring my fish with me or sell them up there and buy new ones from a breeder closer to Canberra.

I know people mail fish, which takes at least a couple days, so i know it can be done....does anyone have experience in this sort of thing? Fish would be 'out of water' for approximately 2 days. I would buy a small tank down here and have it pre-cycled for them to go straight into when i get here with them.

I was just going to sell them as i only had 4 fish, but my demasoni just had babies (12 of them) so i would like to attempt to keep them if its a realistic option.

Cheers for any advice offered!!

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easy, here goes

large plastic tub

battery powered air pump with plenty of batteries

id probably use a small sponge filter on the end of that pump

dont feed them the day before, or during the trip

add some prime or similar product to thier water (optional)


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Its a lot of work for 4 fish, I doubt the fry (depending on size) would travel.

Another option is to bag them separately and just change out the water every 8-10 hours. Get a 25 litre water drum and bring water from the old tank.


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I could leave them in Brisi for a while until the fry are a little bigger, tank is being looked after by my old housemate so theres no huge rush in moving it.

Im pretty good with electronics so i could hook up an airpump that runs off the car electrics, maybe even a small water pump.

So the trick is basically just keep the water oxygenated and dont feed them? What about the cold? It will get pretty cold as i get further south. I know cichlids are fairly picky about temperature so i dont want anything bad to happen to them. I could keep them inside the car cabin, but thats hardly going to be a constant 28 dgerees.

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I’ve done the Q.L.D to Sydney trip a few times with fish/fry in the car, 20ltr buckets with lids and a battery powered air pump’s, just have to keep an eye on the temp's. I’ve never had any problems or loss of fish/fry. I stay in a hotel over night and put in a heater. A few digress under wouldn’t hurt but maybe having the car heater on would help while on the road.

Terry………… 

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Looks like i wont be driving down anymore. Already got the daily ride down here and was going to drive my little project car down, but turns out its going to be far more cost effective to just get it shipped down on a car carrier.

How do people send fish through the mail?

How long should I leave the fry before they are safe to move?

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How do people send fish through the mail?

Not sure about 'through the mail' but I believe AAE will freight fish for you.

Bag them, pack them in a polystyrene box, and take them to the Airport at the freight-times they tell you.

Pick them up from the Airport at the other end as soon as they arrive.

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