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Best Oscar Fish Partners


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Obviously something that the oscars dont consider as food :lol1:

i've few synspilums with my pair of oscars (they are about the same size and get along fine)

if you like some tankbusters, you can put some medium-sized catfish or even giant gouramis as their tankmates

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We have 5 Silver Dollars in with our 30cm Oscar.They add movement to the tank,and clean up the food mess he makes when eating.We were told to add them when they grew to 10cm, any smaller and they would have been lunch. They also have been producing eggs,and the Oscar goes along after them eating the eggs. :)

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Larger synodontis do really well with oscars. They do an excellant job of acting as a clean up crew.

Silver dollars as stated do an excellent job. They do well primarily in my opinion because they are a fast fish and they do not require a territory.

Larger plecos do well, provided they are grown up with the oscar and added as adults.

Larger american cichlids ie: Green terrors, brasiliensis, salvini, firemouths go fine providing the tank is large enough.

Basically anything can be done. You just need to know your oscars temperment. I have had leleupi and small africans with adults oscars before with no hassle.

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cheers guys, leaning toward a pair of severum, maybe a gold and a green. i already have a 6inch blue acara, a 5 inch red-tailed black shark and bruce( a 7 inch approx tinfoil shark.) i'm planning on putting those guys in with them. will post up some pics as i get along with the build-up. thanks very much guys

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