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fish fry


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I have spoken to people who have bred convicts to feed to there larger fish. Oscar's ect. But if you only feed them the same of anything they will get bored. Same as us eating steak every meal. Love steak but I would get sick of it. Hope that helps


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hjow does a fish get bored. my africans will eat the same food say in and still be happy.

as for fry food. well the same food you put for the adults but smaller. So if flakes srush them up with your fingers to a fine powder and give it to them. or if pettets, use a pepper grinder and crush it that way. I assume they are in a guppy container or soemthing. if not use a syringe and water. crush food as needed them suck the food and water up into the syringe then squirt it out near the fry in the tank. they will get fed that way :p

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I've feed my africans many different types of foods including fish fry. Any fry I don't wont I will feed such as angel fish, convict, guppy fry & so on.

You should still feed your adults flake, pellets etc... as nothing bets a mix array of foods. Your fish will love you for it, & it cirtainly shows in colouration. Live foods do give an extra added attration although reiterating shouldn't be the only staple diet.


Ahmed ;)

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"hjow does a fish get bored. my africans will eat the same food say in and still be happy."

All I know is one guy wound up with bucket loads of Convicts and oscar's that don't want to eat them anymore. I think he gave them a breakfor a few weeks then started to feed them again. Got to the point where he had to get rid of the convicts.

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