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Auto fish feeders


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We are getting married in August and will be away for almost two weeks.

My Dad has said he will come over to check on the fish, but he cant come every day.

I have been looking in to auto fish feeders, but I have read some of them can make the pellets soggy etc.

So what is the best feeder to go with and how much do you think I might expect to pay?


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I personally prefer to use eheims auto fish feeders. They have never made the pellets soggy for me. I have heard it is mainly the flakes that go soggy. I think the one I purchased retail for $110 or so.

I wouldn't leave the fish without food for two weeks, but if your dad can only come around 3 times a week aslong as he can feed them then I wouldn't bother with an auto feeder.

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We went away at Xmas for 10 days and just put some 7 day feeders in and it was fine when we got home. Cant remember what brand it was but everyone was happy and healthy when we got home.

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when i go overseas and its alot usually for 2 - 4 weeks at a time, I use the eheim auto feeder it has a fan in it so when it dispenses it blows air in to keep the food dry,,,,

the trick is not to feed them there usual amount but just enough to keep em going

clean your filters a week or two before you go and change your water just before you go.

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Thanks guys! They look so happy when they eat, I would feel awful making them go with out for to long!!!

I'll check out the eheim feeders.

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as stated above eheim are good but totally not needed. if your having someoone come and check the fish then best thing to do is portion out the food so they dont overfeed your fish and set out what days they need to come. also best if you get a light timer and have it run about 4 hours of light a day, this means your fish will use alot less energy.

To give you an idea ihave just got in from 5 days aways, fish have had 4 hours of light per day and no food. And believe me they are far from skinny. if your father comes over 3 times in 2 weeks to feed them they'll be in excellent health when you get back.

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Also write any instructions down and let him feed them before you go away to make sure you know he's doing it right. I made the mistake of assuming my son knew how much to feed them. Came back after 3 days away and found pellets floating around the top and a heap blocking up the intake strainer on both my display tanks. Lucky there was no deaths.

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Another thing you could do is get some sandwich bags and put portions of food in the bags and label them. Remember it is better to slightly underfeed than over feed. I went away for 6 weeks and this worked for me on 3 tanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,

thanks for the replies.

We are having our wedding at the Hunter Valley (we are in Sydney) so basically we are all going to be up at the Hunter from the Friday and we will be coming back on the following Monday for the night then we will head off for our honey moon (Guthega here we come!!!).

So that will be three days that we will be away for initially and Dad will basically be at the Hunter with us.

My point to this little story is - what if I put some slices of cucumber or similar in for them to munch on during those 3 days? They tend to semi enjoy tiny bits of cucumber when I chuck it. Would they graze on it? Can you guys suggest any other type of vegetable they might like to graze on?

I say graze as they have a feeding frenzy on pellets, vege flakes etc

BTW - they are all Malawis.

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Congrats on the good news! :clap Vegtables would cloud/dirty water quick, I would feed them heavy for the last few days, before going away & they should be right in 3days or as mcloughlin2 stated, weekend feeders should be just fine. :8


Ahmed ;)

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