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whitespot and ich


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Hi, as some may know I've been having trouble in my african cichlid tank of late with fish going into a panic and hiding in the rocks when anyone approaches. See http://www.aceforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=43343 for the details on this please.

Things are slowly getting back to being better with most fish coming out now but unfortunately I now have a Monkey Bay peacock with quite a lot of small white spots on both sides and a few of the smaller fish rubbing up against the rocks. My thoughts are that this is both white spot and ich (if they arent the same thing) and not sure how to treat this. Way back when I had a fish room I lost entire tanks with overmedicating when not required and not medicating in time to avoid the first problem.

All the fish have been under constant stress for over a week so its no surprise a few are getting sick now but unsure on how to proceed and what medication to use.

The tank is heavily stocked with smaller sized fish to avoid agression so I dont want to destroy my biofilter, assuming the meds will kill off some of it. Inhabitants include cobwe, electric yellow, lionhead, hongi, saulosi and sailfin plec. Tank is 200L, temp 26C, ph 8.1, 0 nitrite and ammonia, almost unreadable nitrates (very slight chancge of color in test kit).

I'll be contacting the lfs today but want as much advice as possible so any comments welcome.

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There are some medications that won't kill your bacteria. Truth be told you have probably cause this by overstocking causing the fish undue stress. The fish would be hiding because besically they feel like cr*p. I recommend treating with Protozin which is made by a company called Waterlife.

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I recommend treating with Protozin which is made by a company called Waterlife.

I second that. I've found it very effective, and the company claims that it does not kill your filter bacteria.

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I had probs with white spots in my African tank last time, and as I never like the idea with the use of medication, so it's all back to basic. You can't isolate the one that is having problem, but you have to treat the entire tank. I added salt gradually every day, and do a 20% water change at the end of the week. Also raise the tank temp to 27C would be great help as well. Good luck !!!

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Hmm...I do think it's rather important to add salt and raise the temp of the water. As whitespot is a parasite, and it has 3 stage lifecycle, on the fish, one in the substrate, and free swimming. Raising the temp will help to kill the parasite, at free swimming stage, the parasite needs to find new host fish within 48 hours to survive or it will die. Though care must be taken while carrying out this method as not all fishes can tolerate such high temperature.

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Thanks again for the replies, I'll bump up the temp a bit ..............they need a tropical holiday :-)

I started adding salt last week just in case of any scrapes when the fish were hiding away.

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