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Cobalts getting picked on - help pls!


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Hi Guys,

So a recap - we have a standard 4 footer that we set up at the beginning of the year with really young Malawis.

We have:

4 peacocks

4 cobalts

4 empress

4 electric yellows

Two of the cobalts are getting quite big. The biggest out of the lot. So two large cobalts and two smaller ones.

Was looking at the tank tonight and saw one of the smaller cobalts getting harassed by a larger one.

On closer inspection the little cobalt was really beat up, but still active. Some scales missing, crappy looking tail fin etc. So I tried to catch him (to put him in the breeding net), but I couldn't so I decided to pull the whole tank apart to a water change and would catch him in the process. Which I did and put him in the net.

After putting the whole tank back together I noticed the other little cobalt was beat up as well! Freak out :shock: . I can't catch him and I just cant bring myself to pull all the rock work out again.

What should I do? Both the smaller cobalts are still active and relatively happy and eating.

Advise pls!

P.S. This is our first community tank, so all this is new to me.

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Hi Guys,

So a recap - we have a standard 4 footer that we set up at the beginning of the year with really young Malawis.

We have:

4 peacocks

4 cobalts

4 empress

4 electric yellows

Two of the cobalts are getting quite big. The biggest out of the lot. So two large cobalts and two smaller ones.

Was looking at the tank tonight and saw one of the smaller cobalts getting harassed by a larger one.

On closer inspection the little cobalt was really beat up, but still active. Some scales missing, crappy looking tail fin etc. So I tried to catch him (to put him in the breeding net), but I couldn't so I decided to pull the whole tank apart to a water change and would catch him in the process. Which I did and put him in the net.

After putting the whole tank back together I noticed the other little cobalt was beat up as well! Freak out :shock: . I can't catch him and I just cant bring myself to pull all the rock work out again.

What should I do? Both the smaller cobalts are still active and relatively happy and eating.

Advise pls!

P.S. This is our first community tank, so all this is new to me.

Sounds like you need more tanks. Join the club...

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If you have all of them when they are young, it should be okay. Not sure if you had a chance to re-arrange the rocks last time you try to catch the beaten up cobalt, as by doing so, the remaining fishes will have to pick their new territory, and things should then be back to order, hopefully. Though if you still have constant problems, I say you have to remove the one with attitude.

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Hey! Ta ....I usually put all the rocks back in the same place. I usually remove the rocks every second water change / clean out to give it a good vacuum.

Puzzled as to why its just today? I watch the tank every day. And I give everyone a good once over each night at feeding time.

Have read its good to keep the tank well stocked to spread out aggression. Should I add a couple of more fish? I don't know if I would have enough room though, as they are still growing.

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You say he ?, so are they all males?

Dont put hiding places back like they were change it around.

I would have given them a drop of muilti cure on the beaten body before putting them back.

Adding more fish will not help.Your lucky its not the peacocks.

More hiding places may.

Maybe put the beaterup male in a floating net or fry saver if you have one big enough.

Hard to say as you dont say size of fish, bigger = 12/10cm ?

Could be all males as you say, so one wants to be boss.

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Try to provide them with as many hiding-holes as possible, also re-arranging the rock work each time you move it should force the fish to re-establish territories each time which could also help.

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