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Our very first fry!


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I'm so excited, last night I found our very first little fry hiding out in the sand. Wahooooo!

I wasn't even aware anyone was holding! I usually do a head count each night at dinner and I thought everyone was eating! They had me fooled. I was also thinking they are all still to young to produce any decent off spring. We set the tank up at the beginning of the year, with all new and baby stock.

Anyhoo, our first sighting of a little guy is really exciting for me (I actually saw two last night). I hope there are more some where, I hope one makes it. I also saw a very silver little one (maybe empress???) being carried around in the mouth of one of the electric yellows. He was a bit to big to fit in his mouth, so not sure about his fate. Bugger.

Here he is!

IPB Image

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G'day Bede,

Well done!

Im sure there would be plenty of fry creeping around in the rockwork if the layout is still the same as when I visited last.

Maybe you could squirt some BBS or Spectrum Grow or similar into the crevaces to ensure they get a feed.

As for the silver fry in the yellows mouth... I dont like his chances :(

- Joel

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We had the same thing happen over the weekend. Went to Noosa for 3 days, come home and found 1 lonely fry hidding under a rock. :)

Have had a few suprise additions to our 3' tank over the last few months. All Maganio's. Only one we knew was holding was a Saulosi and thats only because we saw them getting frisky. :hug:

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Thanks Guys!

Joel, the layout is still the same. Its driving me insane not being able to see under and in the rocks!

Im so happy, the tank is running perfectly. All the levels are great, and seeing some fry makes me feel really proud.

I wish I knew which breed the babies came from!

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I dunno! The largest that are in the tank are the Cobalts and they are about 8 - 10 cm? Have noooooooooooo idea who the parents are. Sadly, I did a big tank clean out / water change, and I didn't find any little fellas. So I think they all became a late night snack.

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