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Help! Bristlenose spawned!


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Hi Everyone,

I need some help. I've set up a 5 footer about 3 mths ago and have a electric yellow holding and now my bristlenose has spawned!! I'm not sure whats going on in the tank but they're all very toey!! lol...

My male bristlenose is fanning the eggs but its in the tank with all the other cichlids. I already have removed my female electric yellow and have her in a smaller tank awaiting her spitting her fry out. But what do i do now with my bristlenose. I understand they hatch in 5 days from when spawned? I've been away for 6 days for xmas and got back today so that could be any day now?

Any advice on what i should do would be much appreciated. I don't want the bigger cichlids feasting on the fry.

Thanks in advance :confused:

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If you have a fry saver use that to move all the fry out of the cave. I have my cave in my cichlid tank and as soon as I see the wrigglers I remove them from the cave and put them in my fry saver. They will be fine if you do that. Cheers


George and Kim

move the father, the cave and the wrigglers into a plastic fry saver. once they are free swimming remove the father and the cave but leave the fry in the saver

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