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clown loach in a community planted tank


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I have a large 6x2x2 foot community planted tank. I was going to get 6 clown loaches but a mate of mine said that clown loaches will destroy plants. What do you guys think? If so is it only when they get large? How will clowns go with smaller tetras?

Thanks in advance


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Hi Greg,

In my experience, clown loaches are fine with plants. They arent terribly omnivorous, so dont really eat them. They will likely do a bit of rummaging and poking around, but wont dig as such. They may get into the more delicate denser plants and tear them up a bit as they like resting in cover like that. Clown loaches do indeed get quite large... up to 30cm eventually. They are pretty slow growing though. Smaller tetras will likely be eaten once the loaches are big enough to do so. For a neon tetras size fish, I would think a loach that is 4-6" will find it tasty sooner or later.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have CLs in my 200L community, they aren't a problem, and don't look twice at the plants. Like said above, they are slooow growing fish, and if they ever get too large for you, you shouldn't have any problem with the lfs taking them off your hands.

They are great fish to watch, probably my fav in my community of Angels, Gouramis, Tetras, Rasboras & plecs...

Make sure have have somewhere for them to hide out, a piece of PVC (plumbers pipe) makes out for a good hiding spot for them to all squeeze into on top of each other... :lol2:

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