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4 foot planted tank


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Thanks D6C1 :)

Umm.... lets see.

Running pressurised CO2 with a timer

Lighting is 2 x T5s

substrate is Eco-complete

It had root tabs ages and ages ago but I mainly just dose with seachem Excel every 2nd day or when I remember

Not sure what else to tell.

Just let me know if you want to know anything.

As for plants there are quite a few I dunno what they are.

Off the top of my head I have:

Tiger lotus

pygmy chain sword


lots of various crypts

Rotala macrandra

Hygrophila polysperma

A few types of swords




rummy noses





Cherry barbs

Leopard cories



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Thanks D6C1 :)

Running pressurised CO2 with a timer

It had root tabs ages and ages ago but I mainly just dose with seachem Excel every 2nd day or when I remember

Why would you dose Excel if you are already using pressurised CO2? I'm guessing you are talking about Flourish Excel? Dosing Flourish Excel achieves the same goal as injecting CO2. Its usually used in small tanks where injected CO2 can cause large pH shifts.

Flourish Excel

So possibly if Excel is making a difference, you are not injecting enough CO2. Do you use a drop checker?

With Pressurised CO2 you should be looking at dosing elements/nutrients such as potassium, nitrates, phosphate and traces. Dosing Iron may increase the red pigments in plants such as your macranda (dependant on light levels as well). Dosing of these is of course dependant on light levels and stock levels, your stocking levels may keep up with the nutrient supply.

But the tank is looking good, so maybe you should just continue what your doing. :clap



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Hey thanks robdog013, zifin and grungefreek

Haha I was just lucky when they were all in row like that.

Pain in the buM when your trying to take pics of what is behind them.

They were begging for food!

I dose with excel becuase I find it helps the plants grow even better with the added Co2 also excel helps with algae control.

Many plant keepers dose Excel to kill certain types of algae.

Why I started doing it? I found lots of other people do it so I copied them :)

As you do :)



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