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Food for tiny fry


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I have alot of tiny fry at the moment and need a culture to get me started.

I have heard of micro worms how small are they and are they good for fry about 3-4mm big.


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How tiny is tiny & what are they?

I've lately been leaving a NLS H2O stable wafer in th frysavers for the fry to pick at, even when they get big enough to take crushed Grow formula.

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As they are Apistos I would not go for cyclopeeze as a first food.

Cyclopeze is about twice as big as brine shrimp as I understand and would probably be too big. - but good grow out food from what I hear.

Microworms are good too culture as very easy and low maintenance. BBS are the best - followed by microwoms and vinegar eels IMO

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Another option is to get a good quality flake or pellet, wet some in the palm of your hand or in a small bowl, and mash it into a paste with your finger or the back of a teaspoon. When you add it to the fry tank, you'll get a milky cloud, with most particles small enough for them to feed on, and the bigger clumps can be picked at.

I've raised occy and calvus fry with this technique. I guess any dwarf fry should also do well on it.

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NLS grow pellets, put throuh a pepper grinder produces a very fine/coarse powder that will slowly sink

and give the fry something to pick at all day.

crushed flake is also a good stand by

my alto fry can handle bbs, that gives them a good start.

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I do as Ash does. NLS wafers to start then NLS Grow once they can fit it in thier little mouths.. I continue to feed wafers to mix things up a bit. Someone metioned this on the forum a couple of months ago. Can't remember who it was but :thumbup: thanks.



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Thanks for all the advice.

I Have been using crushed flakes and pellets for a while and want to try and grow my fry quicker thats why i am trying bbs to see how they go.

Fingers crossed this method works.

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How tiny is tiny & what are they?

I've lately been leaving a NLS H2O stable wafer in th frysavers for the fry to pick at, even when they get big enough to take crushed Grow formula.

i chucked a wafer into my baby goldies tank, and they did eat it eventually :) Thanks

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G'day, try NLS wafers, it might take a bit of time for them to start eating it, normally a day. But ones they do, you don't need to supplement with any thing else, but if you wish to please do so.

Wafers give fry a constant supply of food. Put then on to Grow formula after/ones they can fit it in their mouths. Crushing pellets and flakes are not a bad idea as well. I've done it before and found wafers to be as much affective and less complicated.

Good luck.


Waruna :)

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Its hard to beat live food for tiny fry. The fish will eat it instinctively as a first food and it will stay in the water longer without polluting if you do overfeed. Vinegar eels and micro worms (can be smelly) culture are all part of the fun and challenge of fish breeding. Green water and infusoria shouldnt be overlooked either, even for adults.

If your using a dry commercial food, try to keep it suspended in the water column as long as you can and have some cleaners like snails or baby bristlenose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just worried all you buggers will start to buy it and push up the price!

$55 for 200g is high enough I reckon :lol2:

my oath if you bought it in the same size tub that NLS comes in 2.27kg it would be over $605 :shock::shock:

Fair comment....but this is Good gear....developed for commercial fish hatcheries :lol4:

I could buy 10kg for $130....but that would be more than I could use in a life time and like most fish foods it probably has a shelf life. I keep it in a kliplock bag in the fridge

It's seems almost as Good as brine shrimp but no where near the hassle....I now feed it to all my fish and 20g lasts me about a month :thumb

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