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Killer Keyholes


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Well these little guys are supposed to be timid, peacefull cichlids. And the rule of 'if it fits in it's mouth it's food' certainly doesn't apply to these guys.

I have a pair, not a true pair as they are juveniles, but definately male and female. Over the last three weeks I have lost 4 rummynose tetras, 2 dwarf pencilfish and an otocinclus. I wasn't sure why, but I did sometimes find the two keyholes munching on what was left of a carcas when I came home from work. Sometimes I don't even find a carcas, I just know a fish is missing.

Well I set myself up on the lounge today with the laptop to veg out watching TV and the Keyhole tank.

After a while I turned the TV off and just focused on watching the keyholes.

They are ambushing my tetras. The tank is 24 inches by 12 inches by 24 inches and is moderately planted, with some small logs. There is one corner of thick foliage and the largest log, which has a cave on the back side of it.

They are getting up high in the foliage and darting out and hitting, or grabing onto a tetra as it swims in close to the leaves. They also try and hunt the tetras through the open tank, but while fast, they rarely get close to another fish.

Anyway, once they injure a tetra, that's it, it like a shark feeding frenzy untill something scares them. It took them the best part of 3 hours, but they eventually got one tetra. The pencilfish are much faster, but I have lost two of them so I guess not fast enough.

Not happy Jan.

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