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Hows this for bad luck


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hi all,

went to pick up my new 6fter today, got in the car all well in good, pulling it of the car however, my brother and I knocked it on the back panel and crack! :angry: took it back to the shop and will find out on Monday if its going to be cheaper to repair it or buy another tank ..

Can anyone say whats usually cheaper? new back panel for a 72x14x18 or a new tank?

Not a great start to the weekend!



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Usualy cheaper to repair, if the shop is looking after you.

Get a price off them, also try some other fish shops and local glaziers.

Glaziers are usualy really cheap (in my area atleast)

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yay!! got the quote back .. $60 to fix it, the manager felt really sorry for me so he is only charging for the glass apparently!

happy days!

I know what u mean huzzy, have to look on the bright side!

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