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Possible HITH Case?


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Hi All, i recently obtained some male cyp's but when i got them home I found one to have a deep indentation (almost a hole you could say...) on his snout/head. <_< I am thinking this is probably hole in the head, but just wanted someone to help confirm for me, if so i'll go to the fish shop and purchase Octozin?? I think this is the med prescribed on other similar posts in this forum...He is still swimming about, but not as quick as the others, mostly spending his time slightly inverted in the one cave-like area, he didn't eat anything today, although made some attempts to get to the food. Have been dosing the food with garlic in an attempt to help.

Anyway, have a look at the pics(sorry about the quality) and let me know your thoughts. Thanks!





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HI Ben,

I'm certainly no expert when it comes to hole in the head or Leptasomas.

Did the fish have this problem when you purchased it?

Are you sure its not some deformity?

If its not the dominant male they often hang back and sit in the water colum at an angle.

If it is hole in the head then I believe metronidazole is the appropriate medication. You get this from your local Vet. However this in itself can be problematic, often they want to see the fish and have no idea what they're looking at anyway (waste of money and time). I've bought it from the large aquaruim out at AUBURN ;) they have it in a powdered form. That said its best to get an idea of what the problem is before we start medicating.

Unfortunately I couldn't see your pictures clearly enough to make my own opinion.

Good luck,


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Thanks Pat,

Yes the fish had the problem the night i got it home...only noticed it when i put it in the tank. Definitely not a deformity as i think it is actually getting worse :( Have started dosing the tank with Octozin, am on the second day of a 3 day program. Apparently the fish doesn't show any signs of picking up until up to 7 days after treatment, so will see what happens.

Anyway i found a better camera...warning though as these images are probably pretty big to download, maybe not suitable for dialup! If anyone would like to take a look and give me their thoughts it'd be appreciated!

The white patch is actually a deep erosion of the skin which seems to be growing quickly, every morning it is a bit larger. The fish isn't eating currently and still hiding inverted for most of the time..and he is the dominant male!



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Garlic will only help with the immune system, it certainly wont hurt, but its wont heal this wound.

I realy doubt this is HITH, it looks more like and injury from a rock or collision. The fact that its getting bigger indicates its either infected or he is hitting the same object repeatedly. (It could also be from agression with another fish?)

I would treat with Melafix, but if possible i would put him in a hospital tank just in case its something contageous.

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Thanks Huzzy, don't really know how it came about, unfortunately it was like this when i got him. I have one more day left on this octozin thing, so will try that. I have to wait 48hrs apparently before i can try any other treatment, so if there is no improvement after that then I will try melafix. But no other fish is being aggressive to him so i don't think it's that, and no hospital tank i'm afraid, no space!


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Garlic will only help with the immune system, it certainly wont hurt, but its wont heal this wound.

There is a recent study done on Garlic and fish. The study suggested that inclusion of 3% Garlic in fish feeds promoted growth and improved fish health.

In conclusion, it can be suggested that adding 3% Allium sativum to

fish diet can promote growth, reduce total bacteria, and improve fish health.

Here's the link:


Hey Ben, all the recommended meds will hopefully help control/cure the problem, I also suggest you feed a very good diet, NLS comes to mind :)

Have been dosing the food with garlic in an attempt to help.

How are you dosing the food? Are you soaking the food in Garlic? Not sure if you knew of NLS Thera A? It has a mega dose of Garlic in it.

Hope your fish recovers soon.


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Second lot of photos were much better, though still to far back from the head to see clearly. Excellent that you went to this effort when asking a question. A discription of this sort of thing over the internet would be a waste of time.

Huzzy has beaten me to the punch line again (are you ever off the computer Huzzy?). I don't consider myself as proficient in fish diagnosis as in other areas, but I must say, it is not HITH from my experience.

It looks like a problem that would be simply fixed with Melafix. The issue you will have is; have you left it too late as you say it is getting worse each day? Particularly if you have to wait a period between medications. If I remember correctly, Octozin is for parasitic infestations, if so it won't touch this problem.


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