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Sex this L168


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Hey all looks like the night for sexing L168 so i thought i would jump in i was thinking To myself female but still would like other opinions.. He she is 8-9 cm long and tried to snap a few pics for yous so any thoughts would be great thanks....Jamie.

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It is not often that I disagree with Andrea, but this time the fish pictured is a young male IMO.

Based on the following.-

The head outline is 'angular' (male) rather than 'rounded' (female)

The primary pectoral spine is strong, thick, and longer than the fin web.

Very noticeable Odontal growth on the primary pectoral spine.

Body tapers from pectorals to caudal (females in good condition bulge noticeabley behind the pectorals ) - this fish is in goood nick or there would not be noticeable odontal growth along the body and caudal peduncle.

Most note worthy though are the prominant interopercular spines..

I managed to procure 10 "almost mature" Z pulcher (L168) ten months ago, and they have been driving me nuts ever since. They change colour, vary their patterns, hide, display to each other, fight, ,,,do every thing ecxept look even remotely like breeding.... :(


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My reasoning was purely based on the fact that there seems to be an absence of fin extension on the rear pairing (forgot the name sorry :B ). They seem very squarish to me, but that could be due to their size/age. However I agree that the tapered body would suggest male. I would take Alan's guess with catfish over mine any day.

Andrea :)

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