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Help please indentify these fish..


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Hey all i had to leave work early to day to rescue some fish i was advised that they were a lombardoi, but the person who had them doesnt know much about cichlids. so i went to their house today and rescued some fish but when i got there this is what was in the tank have added photo's from every possible direction i could find and so now i need your professional help thank you... The fish when they were in the tank were irredecent blue with black bars some had dark black bars and some had faint ones.. also the two biggest of these fish had the blue sheen sort of but were more yellow orange in colour they are about 8-15 cm long and are gorgeous but the only conclusion i can come up with is Maylandia greshakei.. but not very certain... any help would be very much appreciated thank you...

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I've removed the photos that are larger than the 600 limit (as in the rules) please repost them smaller if you wish
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Some of them look a little like Ps. hajomaylandi BUT I think it's safest to assume "mixed zebras" (probably mixed beyond a steadfast and accurate ID).

Andrea :)

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