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Good Morning all,

Yesterday was one of those days where you love the hobby but want to pull your hair out :confused:

Firstly i better provide some background. I have only just moved to sydney in march and so one of the first things on my list of things to do was set up a tank in my appartment. I got myself a 3x2x2 for a tang display tank and picked out my fish to go into it. Soon one tank wasn't enough and i found some other fish that i just had to have so i now have a 5x18x20.....sound familiar ? anyway the fish in the 3 footer where to be transfered to the five footer and my new fish would go in the 3x2.

One species in the 3 foot at present are my Variablilchromis moori, which some of you may have seen for sale last week. They are one of my fav fish but as all the other fish are juveniles and these guys were semi mature they were a little too active for the others. so i reluctantly decided to move them on and hope that some smaller ones would become avail at a later stage.

I thought that i had three mature females and two juv males(was pretty certain, even had a go at vent sexing these guys) yesterday when i got home from work i was greeted by all the fish as normal looking for a feed. But my two big females were missing !......... after a little search i found them hiding under a terracotta pot, they were almost black. and on the pot above them eggs! lots of eggs! Looks like one is a male after all, and what a fist spawn. I was thrilled :thumbup: as these guys have been hard to come of late.

so my problem is this. The fish are due to be moved tomorrow to the 5 footer. The moori are on semi hold and i'm spose to pick up new fish on saturday. What do i do ??? can the eggs be moved to the new tank without causing the parents to eat them or abandon them. Sounds strange but can't bring myself to do anything that would cause harm to the eggs. Moori eggs are so small so thing tumbling is out of the question. I am committed to picking up new fish on sat so any ideas would be great. :dntknw:


Craig and waz, will email seperately as well regarding.

ps have pics of spawn but cannot access photobucket due to defence server so if i can email to some one to add to post would be great

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Email the pictures to me at gdelanyATvtownDOTcomDOTau

Just remember to replace the words.

What species is the new fish. Can they go into the 5ft tank?

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so my problem is this. The fish are due to be moved tomorrow to the 5 footer. The moori are on semi hold and i'm spose to pick up new fish on saturday. What do i do ??? can the eggs be moved to the new tank without causing the parents to eat them or abandon them. Sounds strange but can't bring myself to do anything that would cause harm to the eggs. Moori eggs are so small so thing tumbling is out of the question. I am committed to picking up new fish on sat so any ideas would be great. :dntknw:

Your quick solution is to leave them where they are and just get another tank for the new fish :) .

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What about a plastic tub from Bunnings

so my problem is this. The fish are due to be moved tomorrow to the 5 footer. The moori are on semi hold and i'm spose to pick up new fish on saturday. What do i do ??? can the eggs be moved to the new tank without causing the parents to eat them or abandon them. Sounds strange but can't bring myself to do anything that would cause harm to the eggs. Moori eggs are so small so thing tumbling is out of the question. I am committed to picking up new fish on sat so any ideas would be great. :dntknw:

Your quick solution is to leave them where they are and just get another tank for the new fish :) .

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Richard - thanks, tank has

8 x Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis

9 x Callochromis Macrops Ndole Bay

4 x Neo Cylindricus

6 x J. Regani

5 x J. Transcriptus Gombe

6 x N Brichardi (common)

3 x Alto. Comp. Kigoma firefin

Plus the moori so you can see why they are off to the 5 Footer

Ged, Many thanks for posting the photos! I have plenty more so as soon as i'm on the net at home will have to post some more for all to see.

David - new fish ar a colony of Multi's C/O Approx 300 of em so don't want to put them in a bucket/ barrell

By the way the regani are looking great as well !

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If I'm right the 300+ multis would have come out of a 2 foot tank. They would be fine for a while with plenty of filtration. The regani looked good in the pic. By the way if you got the J. Transcriptus Gombe at the auction, they were probably mine.

David - new fish ar a colony of Multi's C/O Approx 300 of em so don't want to put them in a bucket/ barrell

By the way the regani are looking great as well !

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To move or not to move that is the question.

If you don't move you will still have issues with protecting the young when they hatch from other fish, not to mention the parents may eat the eggs anyway (btw you don’t tumble substrate spawners eggs). But if I remember correctly, you may be still able to care for the eggs without the parents using an air stone near them to circulate water past them, and putting some bromothymol blue it to protect for fungus (do some internet research on this suggestion).

If you do move you may have issues with the change causing issues to the eggs.

If worse comes to worse, the fish will lay more eggs, but in your position I'd be inclined to move the fish, and hope for the best.

I'd set the tank up as similarly as possible (which means moving all the pots), take as much of the current tank water and put it into the new tank.

I'm a little busy at work at the moment, so have read the post very quickly, hope I haven't missed anything.

I know that you are a competant fish keeper, so I'd say due to this the multis would likely be fine in a large enough temporary container as Dave suggested, provided it filtered with a mature filter, and heated.

In your posstion, I would try to move the parents and eggs as suggested above, knowing that if you fail, they will spawn again.


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