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malawi bloat


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I am treating a female saulosi with Octozin (from Waterlife) at the moment.

What are the best and cost effective treatments for bloat? I have heard of clout (never seen it) and metronidazole.

Ad Konings back to nature book mentions a human medicine called Fragyl. Anyone got any experience with it?

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Did some web searching. Everyone was talking about metronidazole. Sounds like Fragyl is a prescription medicine which rules it out as a source. There was one claim it is cheaper from a vet than the LFS.

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I thought Octozin contained metronidazol but there's no way to confirm this as they don't tell you the ingredients.

Flagyl is a tradename for pharmaceutical grade metronidazol. Usually sold in tablet form by chemists or vets. Apparently it's commonly prescribed for human usage but I haven't found a vet in these parts who knows anything about fish diseases.

If you do find a vet in the are with sufficient awareness of malawi bloat and fish diseases generally that they're willing to try/prescribe/sell flagyl I'd really like to know.

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Hi guys,

There is a very recent post on PCS forum with good info. about this. Sorry I don't know how to do the link, but the post was by Mazimbwe and refers to a "fish specialist". Hope this helps.


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I have purchased flaggyl or metronidazole from All Creature Vets at Calwell. It is commonly used in treating discus for intestonial worms and is especially useful if they are off there food. For treating bloat I would stick to octozin as I have seen some good results from it's use if treated as per directions.

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