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Anybody come across Distichodus sexfasciatus ?

I saw them at an aquarium, and its the first time ive ever seen or heard of this fish, i asked prices and was pretty suprised, at 3-4cm they were about $300.

Interested to if anybody else has seen these..

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Ive wanted these guys for quite some time, but the price tag on them are just too high.

THey are here. Just gotta ask and look around.

I saw one while back, pretty sure its still there. From memory, it was about 7-8cm at $250.

there is also Distichodus affinis, which is grey in colour and more plain, just another member of the same family. Much cheaper in price.

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yeah i've seen them now and then, its not worth paying the price for them, imagine when they become more easily available the price will drop to like somewhere of those like tinfoil barbs or other similar fish.

i guess if the demand is there they will somehow slowlyyy try to get it in.

the grey ones are ugly IMO.

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I have one called Spot blush.gif He is about 10 inches now...I've had him for about 2 years. Sooty sold him to me as a 2.5 incher...perhaps try him.

Andrea smile.gif

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novafishy is spot on, supply and demand!

if demand is not there, why would anyone bother to waste their time and money to bring the fish in.

what makes you think it wont be readily available if everyone wants the fish?

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Lots of poeple want L046, Asian Arro's, Freshwater Rays, Tiger Datnoids etc.

There aint alot of these around and the price certainly hasn't dropped.

I personally can't see the price dropping on these guys too much in the near future, they are nowhere near as readily available on the world market as silver Arro's.

Just my opinion though. dntknw.gif


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I'd add on and say, they grow slowly (compared to say silvers), they don't travel well.... They aren't as cheap as silver aros overseas (Overseas they aren't uncommon, but they're about 5times the price of silvers aro the same size, and about 50times the price of tinfoil barbs)..... and errrm, what demand?? LOL.gif

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