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sad day good day


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i gave away my beloved peacock bass today to a very experienced breeder who i know will do well with them.id mentioned to him on a previous visit that my wifes absolutely loves clownknife fish she currently has one and its the only fish in the house with a name.i didnt want anything for them i was just glad that they were going to the right person so was surprised when he turned up with a bucket which upon opening had another clownknife in it for my wife.ive copped a few hits from this hobby of late so it was good to have something like this happen to renew my faith.just goes to show theres still some great people in it.ill try and get some photos of them at a later date thier beautiful clownknifes.thats it just thought id mention it.


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I reckon karma must still owe you a few anyway

LOL.gif nice one ducksta that gave me a laugh.almost as much as your new signature i keep going to read your posts and get distracted by it every time. LOL.gif its gold

I'm glad it worked out well for you  , even though it must have been hard to give up your fish buddy  .

it was to a degree but thier in the right hands now and im confident well be seeing more of them around in the future because of it.

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