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Where to get Fresh Water Glass shrimp


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Where can I get freshwater glass shrimp for my aquarium around the Sutherland area, or anywhere that you know of?

I have found a spot with them but I think the water is brackish and when put in a normal tank they just die.



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if you have the time and patience you could try to acclimatise them, that would only help if they are the right species i.e freshwater. it could be due to huge ph or temperature change. remember it is getting cold, so if you just dropped them in your tank they would probably drop like flies.

Best way would be just to have a bucket with the water they came in, keep it airated, and change abit of the water every couple of days for a few weeks. if you have any left after that they should be fine. worth a try seeing as you already have a source.


Where can I get freshwater glass shrimp for my aquarium around the Sutherland area, or anywhere that you know of?

I have found a spot with them but I think the water is brackish and when put in a normal tank they just die.



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Thanks for the reply, I have never just dumped them in, but I have never just slowly over time changed the water either.

I think the water would be brackish as it has guppies in it but also has potty mullet.

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G'day Mick

I know I used to collect them from the freshwater dam up at Wentworth Falls (Blue Mountains). They are there for sure thumb.gif

But its a long way to go and collect them. blush.gif

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Freshwater glass shrimp are in most freshwater bodies that have weed and plant growth. This means all dams, most golf course lakes with a creek outlet and most creeks with permanent water and plant growth. I have sourced glass shrimp from many different bodies of water in Sydney (but not on the south side of Sydney). Just take a big net (pool nets are actually best due to greater reach) and scoop in amongst the weed, rocks and muddy bottom on the shoreline. Try it a few times until you find where they are holding. Sometimes they hold on rocks, the muddy bottom or on the plant growth, it just depends on the particular water body.

If you don't have any luck and are prepared to drive to Collaroy, I have a few !

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Try the rivers off Heathcote road or down the Needles in Engadine. Other places I have found them is in Waterfall and behind the scout camp at Heathcote. All of the above are decent walks from the road with the exception of the Heathcote road one, park just before the bridge and walk down that way.

I have also seen them at Fish n Fins at Sutherland in one of their display tanks, might want to chat to them as well.



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