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Reverse under gravel filter

Tunnel Rat

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I would probably go for UG Jets. Similar idea, just a little less messy.

Google DIY UGJ or cichlidforum.com is littered with ideas/projects/theory/pictures on them.

On a personal note. I have one running. If setup correctly, they're a dream. No more pooper-scooping.


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note either of these options can result in a siphon during a blackout - make sure there's a hole in the return line just under the water level.

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note either of these options can result in a siphon during a blackout - make sure there's a hole in the return line just under the water level.

Thats a good point now I think I will run it off 2x 2217 return lines

Anybody know of a good under gravel filter or a good way I can make one.



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Anybody know of a good under gravel filter or a good way I can make one.

See my original reply wink2.gif

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See my original reply wink2.gif


I did read your post and had a look at some of the UGJ systems but this is not what I am looking for.

I need slow water movement thats why I was thinking RUGF so the gravel would slow the water down.

Have not found a single one yet blush.gif

May need to do the old pvc UGF was hoping for a new way.

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Tunnel rat, is this what you are looking for?





Just did a search for reverse flow undergravel filters and these were the first four hits. No doubt there is more..... Hope this helps.... Never tried it myself.... good luck.




Thx Jason for those links but I to have done a google search have read the four post you linked already not much help as they are more to do with the normal UGF not RUGF and the one that is RUGF I do not like the set up pumps dirty water skimmed from the top of he's tank under the gravel shock.gif

I was hoping someone had already done what I was thinking about & could shred some light on it for me.

But thx for taking the time to help.

I was only looking at this system to keep my gravel clean as at the moment I am not using substrate and it is a dream to keep clean but with the new tank I am going for a natural look with substrate.

My idea was send water already filtered by two 2217 down behind my back ground(back to nature type) to a R U G system to send clean water though the substrate keeping it cleaner.

If anybody thinks this idea is not going to work please tell me why.



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If the only reason you are doing this is to reduce current then why not just split your return line and have three or four returns in to the tank?


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Probably easier to use a powerhead to pump the water. Takes a bit of pressure off the Eheims.

Yep you are right there need to think this hole idea over sad.gif

i'm also concerned with the amount of back pressure that the Eheims will have to overcome. canister filters are not suitable for this heavy duty job

JMO; Colin

Bad idea by the looks thanks for the info

If the only reason you are doing this is to reduce current then why not just split your return line and have three or four returns in to the tank?


The main reason I was thinking of this was to keep the gravel clean can slow the flow no worrys.

Looks like I will run with no gravel or very little and forget the hole idea as I do not wont power heads in the tank.

thanks for all the help guys thumbup.gif


Edit: Fixed quotations

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