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Which one first?


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I have a UV sterilizer and a fluid bed filter that both run with the aid of a powerhead. Would it be better to connect them to separate smaller powerheads or one larger one? If I put them on the same circuit which one should go first, the UV or the FBF?


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uv's are much more efficient in clean water. so yes the fbf before the uv.

i hope you don't have a huge p/head. the water should not go thru at mega lph.

check the instruction manuals for both units for suggested flow rates

hth; C

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uv's are much more efficient in clean water. so yes the fbf before the uv.

i hope you don't have a huge p/head. the water should not go thru at mega lph.

check the instruction manuals for both units for suggested flow rates

hth; C

Colfish is right. UV's work better with a slow rate of L/P/H

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uv's are much more efficient in clean water. so yes the fbf before the uv.

i hope you don't have a huge p/head. the water should not go thru at mega lph.

check the instruction manuals for both units for suggested flow rates

hth; C

Colfish is right. UV's work better with a slow rate of L/P/H

That is correct, but is all dependant on the wattage of the UV in the first place. As a general rule, put less water through them than they say they are rated for….50% less (open for debate), and you’ll be right. A FBF won’t have huge quantities of water going through it anyway (dependant on size/construction of course), otherwise you’ll wash the sand right out of there. I would put the UV second in line to the FBF.

Importantly, make sure the water is mechanically cleaned before it gets to the FBF, which is only a biological filter.

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