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Cheap water pump

Tunnel Rat

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Hi guys just need a cheap water pump to pump water from a 50L storage tank up to my 200L tank.The storage tank is under the tank in the stand its just for water changes as I am making it so I can do water changes close to auto.

only needs to pump up 4ft from bottom of storage tank.When I say cheap I have eheim filters & pumps but I think it will be a waste to buy one for this job but do wont something that will last.



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I dont think you should use powerheads. I thought they cant handle water resistance on the shafts? esp when they have to push 4ft high?

Someone correct me if I am wrong.

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Toufic is right.

Powerheads do not have the torque/power.

A Max head height of 1.2m means that at 1.2m there is zero lph. (please correct if this is wrong) ie: Gravity's effect downwards is equal to the powerheads power upwards.

Powerheads are only good for water movement imo.

You can get some great value China pumps from AOA....using them 30 mins each week, they should last years. In sped's first link, they are the HJF model numbers.

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I've got a 2000lph sunsun powerhead running on my std 4'er with a sump & it's been going years - the flow rate is pretty low though, definately under 1000lph.

The little brother 1400lph version of this powerhead only just trickles into the tank with this head height, maybe 200lph? (about 4' as per what Tunnelrat is after)

Definately buy a proper sumbersible pump rather than a powerhead! You can get a pretty grunty el-cheapo for under $50, I'd recommend this one, seen them in action before & they still move a fair chunk of water at about 5'6" head height so they'd be awesome for this job

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Definately buy a proper sumbersible pump rather than a powerhead! You can get a pretty grunty el-cheapo for under $50, I'd recommend this one, seen them in action before & they still move a fair chunk of water at about 5'6" head height so they'd be awesome for this job

Thanks for all the help guys clap.gif

I am going to buy that $30 sumbersible pump that will not brake the budget it looks just like my Eheim pump in my sump lol thx Ash



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