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Jurapari with a half black head.....?


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I looked in my Jurapari tank this morning and found that one of the Jurapari's head was half black, fish is still swimming and eating and looking health, has anyone else seen this, i will try and get pics tonight,

Thanx Richard

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Sometimes fish get pinched nerves which change the colour of a particular region of the fish.

It is nothing to worry about. Normally the area is symetrical to another region.

Its a physcial reaction it shouldnt harm the fish or contribute to any genetic deformities for breeding purposes.

Probably makes the Jurapari look like a jesters mask right? Because it should be exactly half his face or particular region.

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Saudukar is correct. It is usually caused from a pinched nerve and often corrects itself. In some cases, it can be indicative of a tumour (which obviously won't rectify itself) but I belive this is a small percentage of cases.

Andrea smile.gif

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and often corrects itself.

Normally it goes away. Sometimes the area is greyed out/discoloured for a LONG while.

I've seen an oscar who was half black (it was a red/bronze oscar with a pinched nerve) and the person who owned him was convinced it was natural colouration and that this oscar was a prime example of great breeding stock. He was so proud of it that I didnt have the nerve(pun) to tell him no matter how much he bred it that half black look was NOT going to come out in offspring. It looked great for a abnomality.

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