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fry growing tank overstocked!


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My fry grow out tank is overstocked atm. the water will go blownish within 3 days. Current filtration is one 600 lph hand on back filter and one internal filter.

I change 50% of water every 3 days. I want to know will it stun their grow rate of the fry and juvie? I am now looking for a bigger grow out tank to accomodate them plus my other 150 small fry who is now still in the fry saver and about 70 GT juvies in a bigger fry saver...

how many grow out tank do i need and in what size? I think I am constantly getting over 150 fry every month or so. Now cutting down some breeding colonies and selling them...

should I put my american fry with my african fry? should I better of separte them?

any input is appreciated.


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depends on what your american fry are I suppose - anything amazonian don't do it, anything central crater lake is safer, at least hardness/pH wise.

How big is the tank? Bad water quality will stunt them

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depends on what your american fry are I suppose - anything amazonian don't do it, anything central crater lake is safer, at least hardness/pH wise.

How big is the tank?    Bad water quality will stunt them

It is a std 2 foot tank which holds about 50 liters??

I have to re-arrange my current setup or get some more new tanks! MTS. Love and hate it at the same time... wink2.gif

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Get some more grow out tanks, you wont regret it!

I have 8 breeding tanks and 12 growout tanks here, and I am still always looking for more. I dont know how I used to manage with just a couple of growout tanks confused.gif

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Get some more grow out tanks, you wont regret it!

I have 8 breeding tanks and 12 growout tanks here, and I am still always looking for more. I dont know how I used to manage with just a couple of growout tanks  confused.gif

With African you can still get away with it. With american, they produce 500+ at one time... you just need more tank space!

the GT i got is just some left over inside the tank which I didn't bother at the beginning to siphon them out.

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