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Sailfin temperament?

Out of Africa

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Hi all,

I bought a couple of 8cm Gibbiceps a week ago and have yet to see them eat. They hide most of the time and I struggle to find them in my rock arrangement and 3D background. I feed the other fish bloodworms and spirullina pellets but I never see these guys eating!

I had some standard plecos a few yrs ago and I used to see them swoop in onto the food like vacuum cleaners and the big fronnies couldn't budge them!

Should I get the spirulina flakes for them, will that help? And does anyone know where I can get them cheap? they cost about $20 a sml packet! and $70 / kg!!! at that price maybe I should start eating it too?



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They will be out and about once they settle. They are not too fond of bright lights tho and may wait till lights out to feed.

Any of the accepted veg will get them feeding (pumpkin, zuchinni, sweet potatoe, brocolli stalks, what ever)

Flake food is a bit light weight for big fish like Gibbies, pellets or veg wafers are more their style.

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  • 2 weeks later...
they are very bossy and and even angry when they are not fed.

cheers from rob LOL.gif

Thanks guys raisehand.gif

They have since overcome their shyness and come out alot more and clean up the leftover orca pellets the other leave at the front of the glass with the lights on! thumbup.gif

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I bought a sailfin at about 4cm. Ive never really seen it eat much but it always has a massive bootlace coming out of it and its grown to about 22cm over a year and a half.. Trust me, they don't go unfed. raisehand.gif

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