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Pics from my new camera (More Pics Added 25/4)


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Hi all,

Just got my new Canon EOS350D

I thought i would share my first attempts at macro taken from the cichlid display at Auburn Aquariums.

I havent really worked out photo shop yet so these images are raw.


Cyprichromis leptosoma malasa

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Aulonocara rubecens

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Pseudotropheus flavus

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Aulonocara walteri

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Altolamprolugus calvus

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Cyphotilapia frontosa kigoma'

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Will post more soon


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Great camera and shots clap.gif I love my 350D and macro lens but it does not love me as much blush.gif as I am impatient amongst other things woot.gif

Some shots of certain Bulus would be nice wub.gif

Miss seeing you face to face so great to see you here hug.gif


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stunning pics Anthony !!

i also aquired a new camera 2 weeks ago im in the same boat as you Aline however i have the panasonic fz30 and i cant seem to get it right just yet either lol

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Hi again,

Thanks for the kind words. I still think I have a way to go before I can ever hope to dethrone Enigma, but he better start watching his back LOL.gifLOL.gifLOL.gif

Does anyone know of any good weblinks or forums for learning the in and outs of Photoshop?

I am also starting to appreciate the need for spotlessley clean glass as it can really destroy an otherwise flawless pic.

Dave, yes I am using the Canon EF 100mm USM Macro Lens.

I also have a EFS 17 - 85mm IS USM Lens and a EF 70 - 300mm IS USM Zoom Lens in my kit bag. I also invested in the Speedlite 430 flash unit. Will check out the 580 and transmitter unit if the need arises.

Anyway enough talking time for some more pics

Pseudotropheus pulpicans 'Likoma' Kingsizei

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Neolamprologus leleupi 'Orange'

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Placidochromis phenochilus 'Tanzania' Mosaic

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Julidochromis regani 'Kipilli'

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Dinner Time

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Will keep them coming


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