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Raising Fry


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Just wondering how all of you out there raise your fry.

Currently I strip the female at about 6 days so cause they usually have just hatched. Then I stick them in strainer in a small tank with bublers underneath. In there for about two weeks. Then into a tank with just sponge filters so not to create to much current. Lastly into the system tanks, from there it is easy.

Anyone got any better ways. I find that in the first two stages I can lose a few because keeping the water quality is harder.

Anyway any suggestions or better methods would be appreciated.

Cheers Paul. thumbup.gif

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Why not isolate the holding mother into a net or a seperate tank and let her spit on her own?

I've never had problems with that.

If the fish doesnt spit in 3 weeks or so, then strip her.

This is a hot debate. I perfer the natural way.

After the mother spits, I have the fry in a fry saver, before moving them to a grow-out tank with a sponge filter.

I havent lost any fry this way. You will find that you will need to do more frequent water changes this way to maintain the water quality!

I'm sure others will pitch in here :D

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Hungsta. So you strip them at 15 days and straight into a grow out tank.

I have a system of about 10 tanks for growing fry. But I find they need to be about 4 or so weeks old before I can put in or else they get sucked down.

Another thing, Hungsta do you find that you get lees fry waiting 15 days to strip and same to you toufic isolating the mother do you find she swallows a few along the way.

Thanks for replies, Paul. thumbup.gif

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I'm the same, as soon as I see the female is holding I isolate her into a home made holding container in the main tank(ice cream tub and fly screen combo) until she spits.

I just check every 12 hours as soon as I think she's spat them all I remove her and leave the fry in there for a couple of weeks until they are feeding well and have stengthened up and then move onto a holding tank.

Worst part is catching the female in the main tank as they are very cautious when holding, mind you the dumbest female has to be my venustus female, she'll come to the top for food even if she's holding, he he he

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Sorry for the late reply, but after i strip the females...

The free swimming fry goes into a homemade fry saver...

They grow to ~3cm and then they go into the growout tank...

As for the amount of fry, i guess if u strip early and incubate the eggs u will get more fry, but the eggs are also susceptible to fungus etc

If you leave the female to hold longer, then the quantity of the fry would diminish as well.

This works the best for me because i do not have much time and space to adopt other techniques. But if u can, let the female hold long term and release naturally.


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I might try something like that. Maybe in my grow out tanks I could have a couple of tanks just for fry savers. Then the fry still get the benifit of the good quality water from a larger body of water.

Cheers Paul. thumbup.gif

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user posted image

This is one of my homemade one.

Its just a clear container with the sides removed and fly screen attached.

I placed the styrofoam on the bottom to float it.

I might be missing something and this might sound stupid – but how does it float at water level with the styrofoam placed on the bottom? Wouldn’t it float on top?


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Hey guys check out this article by Stu, must be an Addicted2Fish member to view but the pic below is the what they end up looking like...


user posted image

Cheers Andy

PS Most of my females hold full term unless they get stripped for a health reason, fish have evolved over millions of years, who am i to say that i know that i can raise there babies better than they can.... wink2.gif

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Hi Glenn,

If the tank is full of water, i.e. filled to the top. Then when you put the fry saver in, the foam will be pushing the top of the fry saver against the lids of the tank, hence the rest of the fry saver will be submerged.

I made my fry saver by this method as opposed to the foam on the side because when the saver is pressed against the lids, it wont move.. also any fry or holding female will not be able to jum out of it etc..

I tried explaining it best i could, let me know if it makes sense... If not ill try and take a foto.

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6 days holding is not very long. I usually let mine hold for 14 days then strip. They still have some egg sac still on but they are usually free swimming and clear of the egg sac in 2-3 days.

I very rarely lose any of my fry. I have similar fry saver as Phatoscarlover. My fry only live in them for about 2 weeks then into a two footer with sponge filter. I only use crushed flake to feed two - three times a day. Tempo about 27-28 degrees.

I found that if I let my girls hpold much longer they tend to lose a lot more. I also tried to strip early (like 4-7 days) and I found that you needed an egg tumbler and even with one you had greater loses.

So 14 days suits my perfectly. But hey do what works for you.



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Hey Hungsta, so when you lift the lid off does the tub become unstable?  dntknw.gif  As in does it float if its not held down by the lid??? The design i posted will sit under cross bracing when the tanks full without moving around too if that's any help....

Cheers Andy

Sorry i wasnt clear before, but what i meant was that the fry saver was held under the braces where you place the lids... so even if u lift the lids up the fry saver is still in place right under these braces.

Also it was by accident that the length of the fry saver fits perfectly underneath.

Thats also another reason why i continued to use it.


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