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is the black on these guys normal or a breeding thing? I know carpinte go really super black when spawning.

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is the black on these guys normal or a breeding thing

its a normal thing ash the have it constantly.it may intensify during breeding ill have to find that one out for you weh ni speak to the bredder next.it s becoming more prominant as they mature when they were young it was more splotchy.

what are pearsii like with regard to temperament compared to other CA's? Are there many of these going around still?

they can defintely hold thier own.they share a tank with an umbie,festae,sysnphilum.my female jaguars are submissive to them.there are still a few around if youd like some i can point you in the right direction(privately) i think they sell for about 50.00 if i remember correctly.

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