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Geophagus 'Rio Araguia'


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I just recently got 7 of these little guys, and with my camera arriving yesterday I figured it was a good chance to take my first baby steps in non-point-and-click photography. They've settled in well and have just started to show some colours around the finnage.

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Comments are most welcome,


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Thanks for the comments guys, and yeah I can't wait to see what they'll turn out like later.

Wui- my brother picked them up off the 'alternative' forum up here in QLD laugh.gif

Just another picture of them I forgot to upload.

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Thanks for the comment hilal, I have them in a 4'x18"x20" and will move them to a 6' display if they begin to look too cramped. They're living with a few catfish- peppermints, normal BN, L168s and hopefully some corydoras in the near future.

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Great looking pics thumb.gif

I recently acquired 10 Geophagus Tapaja Orange head & was a little concerned with putting bristlenose in with them in case they ate the Geo's eggs. Do you think this is a problem.

Also is there much difference between the Tapaja & what you have.

Cheer's Dave

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I know very little about their breeding and parenting skills, but according to this they're mouth brooders. If that's the case then I don't think a bristlenose would be any danger. Again I'm not completely sure about differentiating between the species, which seems to be common when you're dealing with geos, but I think they're just subtypes, collected from different tributaries (ie. Rio Tapajos and Rio Araguia).

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hey awsom pics cant wait til there bigger. i also have the Tapajos ones. The only differences i kno of is that the Araguaia is slimer,has a longer lateral spot, more rounded head, the orange/red on its head isnt as dark and it has more of a yellow tinge to its body.

Both of them are larvophilous mouth brooders so they should be fine with b/nose, i have them in with mine.

keep us updated


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Both are mouthbrooders that lay thier eggs on a flat surface. After 36-38hrs the fry hatch and are taken into the parents mouths. I thought this would be the time that the eggs would be vulnerable to bristlenose.

James have your Tapajos bred with bristlenose in with them.


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