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Colouration of Red devils


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Was just at a LFS today, just having a geeze at what they had in stock. I noticed the red devil tank had soem weird colouration, they were more of a faded bluey green colour, Im not a american expert but im sure these aren't supsoed to be this colour right? I've seen some washed out oranges from time to time but nothing like these, or were they just mislabelled?


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at about the 2-3" mark, most devils (only from my experience) go through a color change.

I have bought what i thought were Red Terrors (C.festae) only recently, that turned out to be Devils.Some of the colors and markings are quite strange. For example, take a look at Vis' thread about the pond/lake in Vic that is crawling with cichlids. (althought that sort of coloration is abit more normal)

I have also noticed lately that the majority of Devils for sale look different than normal. They are mainly a green tinge with a series of black stripe/dots down the lateral line. They almost look like little trimacs(C.trimalcualtum)?

I have started to think this was the norm? Im glad someone else has noticed the difference. But then again, i have never bred any Devil fry and only know from what i have seen at the lfs and the little ones i have raised from around 3-4cm.



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They almost look like little trimacs(C.trimalcualtum)?

That is quite possible, another possibility is that they could be throw backs from the make our own FH mix. As the rumours go here in SA anyway, as some have shown up here dntknw.gif

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all RD's start out like that & colour change somewhere between 4cm & 15cm.

Grey/blue bars is normal, dunno about green with spots though, that's a bit sus

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Here is my full crew.

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You can still see the black in the smaller ones which are females. Will fade out as they get older.

The white on the side of the male is battle scars from my previous male. blush.gif

Here is a pair. A VERY nice pair

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The male. Only over a year old.

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all mine start out a bluey/greeny tinge with 3 black dots down the lateral line (festae are similar but more brown in colour and the spots are different) then the eyes go black ,then the colour starts to turn red or yellow but black smudges can come and go for a few months before the final colour which is on mine a peach colour

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