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Their have been alot of these guys getting around aswell as alot of other large fish. Silver arowana, RTC's, alligator gars even Arapaima. I'm a lover of all animals monster/predatory. I have no problem with these fish being available to hobbyists. Howevere ALOT of people do not realise the potential of these fish and ultimately the huge responsibility that comes with keeping such large fish. Not many people realise when you buy that 4" Tiger-shovelnose that it will soon eat as much as a medium sized dog, and can get to the size of a child!

Having said this I just purchased a nice group of tankbusters to grow back out after a short absence in the Tankbuster scene.

Here is my favourite fish I have ever owned, my big lady.

This girl grew from 3" to 39" long in 24months! still think that 6x2 is big enough?

At about 6"

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The reason for this thread is to raise awareness about the potential size of alot of tankbusters. In short if you can not provide for your fish properly, DONT BUY IT!

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I think that it really depends how you cook it.

I cut the back half od the fish into two fat chunks of pure catfish flesh (not the flesh surrounding the gut). I left the skin on and covered the chunks of meat with garlic and herbs and wrapped them in foil, then bbq'd the two bits. Tasted great! the fresh catfish meat absorbed the falvour very well and had a greay texture. One of the best fish I have tasted thus far.

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my late saratoga had some very tasty dinner before, it had archer fish, silver dollars, many sharks and heaps of tropical fish!

Yeah I notice lately that there are alot of tankbusters around.

I talked to the sellers and they said most of the people that buys it are regulars and that these ppl who buys them keep them with many other large fish they already have for a long time.

So yeah i think many ppl know that they grow big, its just that the temptation to buy it is there because the prices have come down. People wont buy $150 or 300 fish without asking or being told how big they grow up to!

just my experience thats all.

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$150 or 300 fish without asking or being told how big they grow up to!

How big do 300 Neon tetras grow? LOL.gif

I have to agree most people who do buy tankbusters know what they are getting into. It is just whether they choose to ignore it or not.

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