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i just witnessed an amazing thing ,one of my female lombardoi has had a mouthfull of eggs since last weekend and up until today everything has been normal,i fed them this afternoon and as usual the other 3 went into the usual feeding frenzy,this was all too much for the holding female who took 2 large swallows the eggs disappeared and promptly joined in the frenzy and started eating ,i was not too disapointed because she was still young and maybe too young to go without food for 3 weeks ,anyway as soon as she had finished eating she gave 2 big heaves and the eggs came back and she just went on as before tumbling the mouthful of eggs! i honestly couldnt believe it ,what gives? has anybody had this before? isnt nature wonderful!!

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ive just fed them today and on close observation she appears to be pushing the eggs way back (to the gills) in her bottom jaw and then eating,when she's finished she pushes the eggs forward again-still pretty clever!

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