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Pressurised CO2, 350 watt of T5 tubes, bottom plant is glosso (a nice native aquatic plant, it looks even better now). Filtration is a stock standard external canister filter, the brand eludes me but its nothing special.

I fertilise everyday, doing main ferts then alternating with traces and iron.



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Coming along really nicely Mike...I'm sure it scores well with the wife thumb.gif

Andrea smile.gif

PS> if you're still looking for plants for the other tanks I am doing the 100 vallis for $50.00 again next week thumbup.gif

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Well...sort of...Half come on then teh other half come on about 15 minutes later,,,I do teh reverse sequence for when they go off.

Thanks Andrea...Im ok for Vallis but do you still keep in contact with that friend of your with the C. parva? We spoke about it briefly the other day.


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Yup...I asked him about it and he has it but none for sale atm. The plants he has are his "seeders" and he will let me know when he has plantlets.

Andrea smile.gif

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clap.gif Spectacular tank Mike you have just inspired me to create my own aquatic garden. Can you please tell me a bit about your setup. As i'm not farmiliar with planted tanks I had a planted 6ft years ago however it was very basic. ?plants, fertilizer, subtrate, lighting, and Co2 injecter.

Thanks Todd.

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Hi Todd

Its a bog standar 4 x 2 x 2.

I use around 350 watts of T5 flouros. Tubes are 3 x 6500 K and 3 x 10000K.

Lights are on for around 12 hrs a day.

Substrate is again just bog standard aquarium gravel, I would love to use all that expensive stuff but it is expensive. If I did it again I would put down a layer of Laterite first and then cover it with gravel.

CO2 injector is a home made job. I run a ceramic diffusor under a powerhead outlet and spray that over the plants. Latest research indicates that showering the plants with fine CO2 bubbles is better than distributing no bubbles over the plants, even if the CO2 is fully dissolved.

Ferts: this is where it gets complicated. I use powder ferts (Potasssium nitrate, magnesium sulphate,etc) around every third day. Quantity will depend on the tank size and types/growth rate of plants. I also use the Seacehm mixes on alternate days, Flourish and Iron.

I do a 50% water change once a week.

Plants: theres a mix of stem and crypts. In Perth the planted tank scene is small but enthusiastic and generous. Most plants dont need to be bought, we give cuttings/plants away to each other.

Hope that helps.

ps there is an aquatic gardens forum (Australian based) that is worth visiting.


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really nice tank noddy!! thumb.gif

I use powder ferts (Potasssium nitrate, magnesium sulphate,etc) around every third day. Quantity will depend on the tank size and types/growth rate of plants.

what type of brand is the powder ferts?

and how much quantity are u mixing for your 4x2x2 at the moment?(are you using like a teaspoon per certain amount of litres? or grams?)

it would be great to know, as I have a 500litre tank and i know its not cheap to maintain a planted tank!

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No brand as such...I buy it from a Chemical company..ends up being around $16 per kg.

I dose by the teaspoon. Potassium nitrate is around 1.5 teaspoons, phosphates are around 1/4 teaspoon but it is important to know that each tank is different. You will need to experiment.

There are lots of other sites with hints on how much to use...I use the Tom Barr method for dosing...Google him.


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Nice looking tank!

Which chemical company is it?

Its hard to find anyone in sydney who sell this stuff to the public cause of all the terrorism stuff.

Whats your co2 levels? (ppm)


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I got mine from Sigma Chemicals in Perth. Im pretty sure theyre ok with buying small amounts ie 1 kg etc. If you were to put in an order for 100 kg things might be different.


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