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just curious to see what species fellow enthusiasts are keeping.heres mine

1 umbriferum sex unknown

3 female festae

2 female jaguar cichlids

1 male jaguar

1 male synsphilum

a pair of p.bass

10 pearsii

im also asking so i know whats out there so that i can track down whats not and try and breed it.

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im keeping -

5 x Pearsei

9 x Uaru

3 x Jaguar

6 x Synspilum

3 x Convict

Pair of Cubans

Pair of Chocolates

1 x Albino oscar

1 x Tiger Oscar

2 x Jack Dempsey

4 x Red Devil

4 x Red Terror

6 x Fredrichstahli

6 x Texas

1 x Green Terror

3 x Dovii

1 x Blackbelt

1 x Petenia Splendida

Pair of Trimacs - 100 fry atm

1 x Salvini and 500 salvini fry

thats all i can remember atm.



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Think this is it atm, though I should be getting about 6 convicts & one of my RD's back off a mate shortly, were growing out/colouring up in his pond.


1x Red Devil

1x Blackbelt

1x texas

1x dempsey

6x synspilum (+ about 15 fry)


7x Severums (4 gold, 3 green)

1x oscar

jealous of your lists guys

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questions for all

6x synspilum (+ about 15 fry)

first off ash.did you breed the synsphilums

taksan would it be possible to see some pictures of the dovii ,jaguars and the umbies.and finally jaymes how many tanks are you running?. are you keeping certain species together and if so which ones and how do you find they get along

to everyone else keep them coming

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Yellow, yeah I bred them.

I initially had my big boy & I hunted around to get a group of juvies to hopefully find him a girlfriend. This is their second lot of eggs, first lot to hatch & they did very well holding off the other 4 synspilums, pictus cat & gibby. I'm hoping the girls "brother" (from the same source) pairs up with one of the other 3 from a different source so I can just keep two pairs in the tank. They are in a 4x2 filtered by a DIY wet/dry sump powered by a King-3.

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ash clap.gif congratulations you kept that under wraps can i bother you for a photo of the pair.jaymes looking forward to it.

ps thats also an impressive list you have there jaymes only thing missing though is peacock bass.it just so happens i have one if you want it you can have it(ive been looking for the right person for a while) its a male and about twelve inches.pm me if you want it and well organise it.this is him below

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ps  only thing missing though is peacock bass.

LOL.gif i have to agree with you mate. Ive been looking for a while as you know. I will send you a pm when i finish this essay LOL.gif thank YOU very MUCH!!!! thumbup.gif

Ok where to start? -

Display tanks (inside)

4fter - Pearsei x 5 and Uaru x 9 (mainly juvies - max size 4")

6fter - Blackbelt x 1, Dovii x 3, Red Devil x 3, Petenia splendida x 1, Tiger Oscar x 1, Buttikoferi x 3(not american, but too nasty to keep anywhere else), Trimac x 2. (all nearly full grown)

Fishroom (shed)

8fter - Synspilum x 6, Convicts x 3, Cubans x 2. (nearly full grown)

4fter - chocolates x 2. (nearly full grown)

4fter - Jags x 2, Red Devil x 1, Jack Dempsey x 2 (probably in their teens)

4fter - Fredrichstahli x 6, Texas x 6, Red Terror x 4, Green Terror x 1. (teens)

3fter - Albino Oscar (adult)

4fter - Salvini fry x 100/200

3fter - salvini fry x 50

3fter - salvini fry x 50

3fter - Trimac fry x 70/100

3fter - Jag x 1 - 9"(forgot one)

The rest of my tanks are full of africans and their fry.

Im getting a nice 6x2x2 display tank next week, that i think that Cichla would enjoy very much!!!

Talk to you soon Yellow.



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ash :clap  congratulations you kept that under wraps can i bother you for a photo of the pair

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No fry in there at the moment but she's just got really dark again & her tube is starting to show

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thanks mate look at the size difference hes a giant.how do you find him with her aggression wise

It's actually amazing - there is more agro between the small 5 than with the big fella (his GF is about 12cm, he's 25cm). Only when they are going to spawn does he get agro, but only towards the other 4 not her at all - amazingly she bites him!

I have seen the tubes out BTW so I've definately got the sexes right - also the anal & dorsal fin shapes are quite obvious once you know what's what. I actually have 3 of each sex in there.

Jaymes - cheers, I am happy with these guys - I've seen some pretty faded ones out there. The coppery colour on mine is pretty flash too from what I've seen, it was there when I fed AOA bits & cichlid gold but has intensified a lot since going to an exclusive diet of NLS (3mm large fish formula).

How large are yours guys?

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I've seen some pretty faded ones out there

i know what you mean ash.i bought mine because he had nice colour (even though thier not one of my absolute favourites).and because i knew good ones are sometimes hard to come by.my ones about 15cms.

as far as aggression goes my one runs the tank but its funny ive never seen him fight yet everyone knows to leave him alone.my umbie goes around challenging everyone and even the ones that are tougher than him he flares up at as they swim away but he never even thinks twice about annoying the synsphilum. laugh.gif

also the anal & dorsal fin shapes are quite obvious once you know what's what

do you find that your male has extended anal and dorsal fins ash?

The coppery colour on mine is pretty flash too from what I've seen, it was there when I fed AOA bits & cichlid gold but has intensified a lot since going to an exclusive diet of NLS (3mm large fish formula).

how have you found nls large fish formula ash ive been considering using it myself.and last but not least heres an old pic of my boy

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do you find that your male has extended anal and dorsal fins ash?

They don't so much extend/trail - see how sharply pointed the fins of my big fella are in that first pic? The females ones are very obviously rounded compared to that - I'll try to get a better side on shot of one of the girls to demonstrate. Actually in that shot your boy's fins are a little short, but they're still pointed at the tips. Blunt, rounded tips seem to be the girls.

Edit: refer this pic, this is the mum of my fry & her brother from the same batch

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how have you found nls large fish formula ash ive been considering using it myself

All my fish go nuts for it - even the 20cm+ ones who should really have a larger pellet. Dunno about growth rates though, seem pretty average with the americans (compared to cichlid gold) - just switched to 3mm Thera+A for a higher protein content.

Colour wise the reds/oranges/yellows got better, can't say my texas looks any better though (think somewhere it said that NLS can improve blue tones too?) however the blue on the synspilums has intensified. Actually they've gotten the most out of it full stop & they were nice specimens to start with. My big guy started out with slightly more copper colour than yours in that pic.

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