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I seen one of my tanks the other day a little cloudy so i thought i will test it all out. So i tested it all and all was fine except it had 10-15ppm nitrate so i thought the best way to get rid of nitrate is water changes. After two 50% water changes the water was still showing 10-15ppm nitrate so i thought i would test my tap water and that was the problem how can i lower my nitrate in the tank when my tap water is the one with the nitrate.

Is this bad for my fish and how can i correct this problem?



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Are you running your water through a water filter and do you live in metro Sydney? Water in Sydney is treated with Chloramine as opposed to chlorine. Chloramine is a combination of ammonia and chlorine. If you are running a straight carbon cartridge it will split off the chlorine and liberate the ammonia, some of the ammonia turns to nitrate. Solution purchase a dedicated chloramine cartridge.

Alternative, how old is your test kit ?


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I wouldnt worry about it. I never test my water, dont even own 1 test kit, to me they are useless. You simply dont need them, ive never had a fish die. If you do regular water changes and use prime, which i can say is excellent, thats all you really need. I dont see why people bother with ammonia, nitrates etc etc when it all comes down to good filtration and enough water changes (depending on stock level and tank size)

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10-15ppm Nitrate isn't very much for fresh water fish, wouldn't want it for a reef tank though! Do other people in your area have this problem? ask around & you may find it's no problem or your test kit is stuffed

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I live in the same area and i dont have a problem with it at all.It may have been caused by the recent rain we have.Its not i good idea to change water around here just after we have had rain cause the water people put a cholrine substance in the pipes so we dont get sick.Thats why some times when you run your water to have a drink you can smell it.Its really strong.Thats what of might have been in your water was a strong not diluted cholrine substance that has made your water go cloudy.



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Hey ash

No i have not had this problem before.

Ummm i can never smell the water. It looks normal and smells normal. Wow you would need alot of chlorine substance to fill the lake we get water from. I have never checked the parametres of my tap water before so thought i should. I will ask around ash.

Cheers mate


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It’s not the lake that’s treated, chlorination occurs at the treatment plant in the final stage as the water is being piped out.

In any case, as others have suggested those nitrate levels would only be a worry for hyper sensitive fish, such as a marine system. As long as your filter and maintenance are adequate your fish should not be bothered.


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You could put a denitrate filter on your tank. The end result of the nitrite cycle is nitrate anyway, so wether it comes from the nitrite cycle in your tank, or from water change water, there is a way to get rid of it if you want to - or at least eliminate it to smaller quatities. What you have is small anyway, and for Africans not really an issue. If you want to do better, and there is nothing wrong with that, try making a denitate filter.

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Or you could buy a reverse osmosis filter to remove the nitrate.

Not sure on their price but if you are keeping africans I wouldn't worry. Just add some cheap plants to your tank to use the nitrates.



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Thanks all. I dont really want to outlay money for a denitrate filter. I am running side drops. Well if it is not a big deal for africans craig i shall not worry about it too much.

Thanks all


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maybe grow elodia in the top of the side drops? fish won't tear it up & it's close to light to grow faster .: eat more nitrate.

hope this helps

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